Elora's Mother is a supporting character in the 1988 film Willow and a posthumous character in the 2022 Disney+ television series. She is the biological mother of Elora Danan.
Elora Danan's mother was One of the many pregnant women abducted by the Evil Queen, Bavmorda, who feared a child would be born and bring an end to her reign. The woman later gave birth to a daughter, who would grow up to be Elora Danan, the one destined to defeat Bavmorda and one day, unite the realms of Andowyne. Shortly after giving birth, the woman managed to convince her midwife to hide her child. Elora was successfully smuggled out of Nockmaar Castle undetected. When Bavmorda was angered to learn that the daughter had vanished, she ordered her guards to execute the woman. Moments before her death, Elora's mother received a vision of her daughter as a grown adult.
Willow (2022)[]
Elora's mother appeared as one of the ghosts still haunting Nockmaar Castle. When Elora, as a grown woman, ventured into the dungeons, she witnessed her mother's execution. Frightened, Elora cried out to her mother, as she felt powerless not being able to stop it.
Since Elora was described as being the "last blood of Kymeria," it is possible she and her mother were descended from the Royal family or is the last person of its culture