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Dr. Eliza Danvers is a DC character who appears in the CW/Arrowverse series Supergirl. She is a bio-engineer, the wife of Jeremiah Danvers, the mother of Alex Danvers, and the adoptive mother of Kara Danvers.




Eliza Danvers is a human female from Earth, born to an unknown female who suffered from dementia. She was a renowned scientist who specialized in bio-engineering.

By the 1980s, Eliza met fellow scientist Jeremiah Danvers and the couple married. They later met Clark Kent, a Kryptonian from the destroyed planet of Krypton. Jeremiah became old friends, helping him control his powers. Eliza and Jeremiah had a daughter named Alexandra (nicknamed Alex) and in 2003, adopted Clark's recently discovered cousin, Kara Zor-El when he arrived on Earth at age 13. Despite not being Kara's biological mother, Eliza promised to look after her as if she were one of her own. She would often take Kara swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays and introduced her to the musical The Wizard of Oz, feeling Kara could relate to the story of a girl who finds herself far from home and in a faraway land. Indeed, the film became one of Kara's favorite movies on Earth.

Losing her husband[]

When Eliza and Jeremiah learned Kara was taking Alex out on evening flights, they reprimanded their daughters for the trouble they could end up in. At that moment, men from a secret government organization known as the D.E.O. came to take Kara away. However, Jeremiah offered the organization's director Hank Henshaw, his services and research for Kara to remain free. Henshaw agreed, to Eliza's horror. Afterward, Eliza was left to raise the girls on her own. Motherhood was somewhat difficult for Eliza, as she stressed to Kara that she must hide her powers and often pressured Alex to look after Kara, unintentionally straining their relationship. Despite this, Eliza was proud of her daughters and the women they would eventually become.

At least a year after her husband joined the DEO, Eliza was informed that he died in a plane crash. However, Eliza did not trust their claims', believing Henshaw was responsible for her husband's supposed death. She kept this a secret from her daughters so Kara could live a normal life. In truth, Jeremiah had helped J'onn J'onzz, an alien who sought refuge on earth and, has been posing as Henshaw ever since. Eliza was also unaware that her daughter, Alex had also joined the D.E.O. to watch Kara

Reconciling with Alex[]








  • According to Kara, Eliza makes the best