- “Maybe there's another way to save both of our homes.”
- ―Elena Wallace to Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Mirage) in the 2023 sci-fi film, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, the second installment of the rebooted Transformers film series.
She is a young researcher for a natural history museum whose sleazy boss, Jillian, keeps taking credit for her work.
She is portrayed by Dominique Fishback, who portrayed Billie Rowan on Show Me a Hero, Darlene on The Deuce, and Deborah Johnson in Judas and the Black Messiah.
Elena Wallace was born in, presumably, the mid to late 1970s and lived in downtown Brooklyn, New York. Her father was a cabbie, who was an avid science and history nerd. Despite their small income, they were happy together. Sometime after her father's presumed death, Elena was inspired to become a historian, by becoming an intern at the Natural History Museum. She learned how to spot forgeries from a mile away. unfortunately, Elena's sleazy boss, Jillian, kept taking credit for her work, much to her annoyance.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts[]
- Archeology research: Elena can spot a forgery or inaccuracy in museum pieces from a mile away. At the very beginning of the film, she was able to identify one of the engravings brought in from the police evidence as a fake and declare the other ones as the real thing. When people mistook the Airazor statuette as of Egyptian origin, Elena successfully traced it back to Peruvian origin.
- Runes/Deciphering: She was able to decipher the code on how to shut down the Transwarp key. She took each half of the Cybertronian runes seen on Airazor's statue and the box in the temple.
Elena's Father[]
Elena was extremely close to her father; both of them hailed from Brooklyn. Even though he was busy holding down a job as a cabbie, Elena was proud of him. He passed away long before the events of the film.
Many years later, Elena remembered him fondly. When she and Noah bonded on Stratosphere, Elena remembered him fondly and why she became a researcher for museums.
Noah Diaz[]

When Elena was working at the museum's science lab, she heard a noise coming from the room. Taking the Transwarp key, Elena was shocked to find it wasn't museum security, but a man trying to steal the key from her for the Autobots. The two humans got into an argument as security finally showed up before he was killed by a blast. At the sight of seeing the Terrorcons, Elena immediately threw the key to Noah to throw them off of her trail and ditches him. When she was a sitting duck for Freezer to attack her, Noah surprisingly came to her rescue and helped her get out of the museum.
Both Elena and Noah later bonded on Stratosphere, where he distracted her in order to make Elena forget about air sickness. He later told Elena that he wanted to destroy the key when they found it to prevent Unicron from coming. She was shocked to hear this from him, pointing out that if they did that, then the Autobots could never go back home. The humans snuck into the Peruvian temple, where Elena had to tell him how to open the temple. Failing to find the key, which had been moved, Noah and Elena were attacked by Freezer again, but Noah (who had been given a Cybertronian glove by Mirage) shot and killed the Mini-Con by saving Elena yet again. When they escaped to the jungle, Elena and Noah were attacked by Optimus Primal. Frightened, Noah pointed the gun at Primal to defend himself and Elena clung into him before both Autobots and Maximals set aside their difference. Later that night, Elena tried convincing Noah that there had to be another way of saving both Earth and Cybertron without destroying the key. She was also the one who pointed out that Noah and Optimus were a lot alike. After she was visibly shaken by Airazor's death, Noah was the first to comfort her by trying to calm her down. However, Elena sorrowfully told Noah that Scourge had the key and Unicron was coming.
Later, both Elena and Noah worked together to sneak onto the Terrorcons' ship and stop Scourge from bringing Unicron to Earth .
Before his interview for a new job, Noah saw on the news and expressed pride in Elena for finally getting credit for finding the Peruvian temple.
Mirage and Elena don't interact much in the film. When she first met him, Elena was both amazed and terrified, because she recently discovered there were aliens living among them. When they first met Stratosphere, Mirage told Elena that he was walking to Peru.
Despite barely interacting, it is clear that he cares about Elena and Noah because Mirage points a gun at Primal, demanding him to get away from his friends.
Optimus Prime[]

While very dismissive towards humans, Optimus had less conflict with Elena but more with Noah.
During the camping scene in the jungle, Elena defends Optimus, saying both he and Noah are so similar, they are both too stubborn to realize this. After Airazor's death, Optimus learned he needed to rely on both human and Maximals, accepting Noah and Elena as his friends. During the final battle, Scourge shooting at Elena and nearly killing both her and Noah was the final straw for Optimus, who kept his promise and tore off his head. However,Elena informed Optimus she couldn't shut it down because Scourge destroyed the control panel. With no other option, Optimus decides to destroy it to save his friends. Elena was reluctant to leave Optimus behind, leaving Bumblebee to grab her and keep his promise to Optimus. Luckily, Prime didn't need to sacrifice himself because Noah and Primal came back to save him.
Optimus Primal[]

Elena was initially afraid of him when Primal scared both her and Noah, demanding to know why the humans were looking for the key. After Airazor settled things between the Autobots and Maximals, Elena (Being a fascinated archaeologist) asked Primal if he was involved in most of architects and designs found on Earth. However, he did not take credit for anything, as humanity did it on their own.
In their short time together, Primal was fiercely protective of Elena and Noah because of the maximals' decision to defend humanity. As such, he told them to escape with the Transwarp key while telling his men to protect the humans. After Airazor was brainwashed, abducted Elena and gave the key to Scourge, Primal saved Elena but was forced to kill Airazor. While Elena greatly respected the leader of the Maximals, Primal was impressed with her quick with and integrity, for she had the entire code to shut down the transport key work in her journal. It would have made it possible for Elena to shut down the reactor but Scourge to straight it before she was able to.

Elena inquiring about Airazor's wound
After seeing and analyzing Airazor's statue, Elena first met her when the Maximal came to the Museum and helped save both the humans and Autobots from Scourge and the Terrorcons. Elena also sympathized with Airazor after she recalled that she didn't know where half of the Transwarp key was, as well as the possibility that she was the last of her kind. Later, Airazor explained to the humans and Autobots that the key served as a way for Unicron to enter but the Terrorcons only had half of the key. Wanting to destroy the key once it was found, Noah forced himself to accompany Elena and the other Autobots to Peru to save his family. However, Elena managed to provide a clue to Airazor that the key was likely hidden in Peru.
During the fight between the Autobots, the Maximals, and the Terrorcons, Elena noticed Airazor was acting differently and asked if she was alright. The Maximal lied and said that Scourge may have left a mark on her, but Airazor assured Elena that she was fine. However, the next morning, a concerned Elena saw Airazor struggle to fight off Scourge's control until it completely took over. Noticing the Transwarp key was in Elena's possession, Airazor took her hostage until Primal rescued her. As she began attacking Elena, Airazor saw herself as a threat to Elena's safety. She begged Optimus Primal to kill her to protect Elena due to the Maximals' oath to humanity. Reluctantly, Primal did as Airazor requested. Elena was visibly shocked by both Airazor's death and when Scourge finally had the power to bring Unicron to Earth.
- Elena is the first human female lead in the live action movies to be a woman of color, as previous female leads, Mikaela Banes, Carly Spencer, Tessa Yeager, Viviane Wembly, and Charlie Watson, were white. However, only Carly and Viviane are British.
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