Dr. Hämsterviel
Full name
Dr. Rupert Jacques von Hämsterviel
Other names
Hamsterwheel Rupert Milton Gerbil Boy Professor Gunther Freem Emperor Hämsterviel (in an alternate timeline)
Evil scientist
Intergalactic Prison (base of operations)
Galactic domination, getting what he wants, insulting everyone, his Leroy-army, the color red, insulting Gantu (formerly)
Prison, not getting what he wants, failure, being mistaken for a gerbil or rabbit, having his name mispronounced, the color blue, Stitch, Lilo, Leroy picking his nose, defeat, Gantu's stupidity
Lilo & Stitch (possible cameo)Stitch! The Movie Leroy & Stitch
TV Series
Lilo & Stitch: The Series Stitch! Stitch & Ai (cameo)
Video Games
Lilo & Stitch 2: Hämsterviel Havoc Stitch Jam Motto! Stitch! DS Disney Tsum Tsum
Jeff Bennett Kirk Thornton (Stitch! ; English dub)
Dr. Habbitrale
“I am not gerbil-like, I am hamster-like! ”
―Dr. Hämsterviel
Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel is the main antagonist of the Lilo & Stitch franchise, first appearing in the 2003 film, Stitch! The Movie . He is the megalomaniacal former partner of Jumba Jookiba , whom he assisted in the creation of illegal, genetic experiments.
History [ ]
Stitch [ ]
Lilo and Stitch the Series [ ]
Leroy and Stitch [ ]
Personality [ ]
Trivia [ ]