Heroes and Villains Wiki

Douglas' Lair is one of the hide-outs of Douglas Davenport during his evil years. It was located below his and Marcus' house and only accessed through a vinyl siding on the wall of the house. It was ultimately destroyed when Adam Davenport sent a blast wave to save his brother, Leo Dooley from Marcus Davenport.


Season 1[]

Douglas had established the lair sometime after he created Marcus and sent him to spy on the Davenport family. Sometimes, Marcus would go to Douglas somewhere in the lair, reporting to him. Marcus goes to Douglas to shoot him that he placed mini cameras in the Davenport lab. (Mission: Space)

Season 2[]

Leo follows Marcus to the lair to spy on him. As he looked around, he was caught by Marcus, who sent a robot after his step-cousin. However, Leo manages to trick Marcus by cleverly taking a trick that Chase showed him against Adam, taking the remote that controls robot from him. Leo later escapes when Marcus is distracted with the robots. Douglas decides that Leo got too close to this and decided to take matters into his own hands. (Leo Vs. Evil)

He kidnapped Donald and kept him prisoner in the lair to lure Adam, Bree and Chase into a trap, planning to control them with the Triton App. It was not until Adam, Bree and Chase escaped from the cage that Marcus and Douglas confronted them. In the midst of the fight, Leo, in his step-father's Exoskeleton armor, comes to the rescue until Marcus subdues him. Before the android can harm Leo, Adam unlocks his energy blast ability and uses it to subdue Marcus to protect his brother. However, the blast causes the building to begin collapsing, As Leo, the Lab Rats and Donald escape, Douglas manages to slip past them. Marcus tries to take out the Davenport family but the ceiling collapses on Marcus, allowing the family to escape. (Bionic Showdown)

Season 4[]

Douglas mentions having his own lair where he and Marcus once lived there. Later, Giselle goes to what remains of the lair and dug out Marcus out and reassembled him piece by piece. (Bionic Action Hero)
