Dolly (Toy Story)
Distinguishing Features
Soft dress-up rag doll, gently blushing cheeks, purple hair, googly eyes, mismatched hairclips, orange dress with buttons
One of Bonnie's toys
To help Woody get back to Sunnyside Daycare
Bonnie (owner),
Trixie ,
Buttercup ,
Mr. Pricklepants ,
Chuckles the Clown ,
Peas-in-a-Pod ,
Totoro ,
Woody ,
Buzz Lightyear ,
Jessie ,
Bullseye ,
Hamm ,
Rex ,
Slinky Dog ,
Mr. Potato Head ,
Mrs. Potato Head ,
Little Green Men ,
Forky ,
Barbie ,
Ken ,
Bo Peep ,
Karen Beverly
Being played with by Bonnie, computer games, leading
Lotso, when the toys don't listen to her, Forky being annoying
Lives happily with
Bonnie 's toys and continues to be one of their leaders
Toy Story 3 Toy Story 4
TV Series
Toy Story Toons Forky Asks a Question Pixar Popcorn
Video Games
Toy Story 3: The Video Game
“Wow, cowboy , You just jump right in don't you? I'm Dolly. ”
Dolly is a major character in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story franchise, first appearing in Toy Story 3 . She is one of the original toys owned by Bonnie , and a rag doll who is the self proclaimed leader of her toys.