Beth Chapel
Full name
Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Other names
Doctor Mid-Nite
Doctor Justice Society of America Member
Yolanda Montez (best friend), Stargirl (second best friend) Charles M McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite (predecessor), Pat Dugan , Brainwave Jr. , Fury (Lyta Hall) , Hector Hall , Rick Tyler (love-interest), Matt Tyler , Huntress , Fire, Ice Maiden, Jade , Green Lantern (John Stewart) , Katma Tui, Power Girl , Obsidian , Magenta (formerly), Molly Maynne Scott, Olympian, Rising Sun, Skyman, Batman , Booster Gold, Superman, Tasmanian Devil
Eclipso , Icicle, Brainwave, the Injustice Society of America, Artemis Crock (sometimes), Mist, Tigress, Psycho-Pirate,
Powers and abilities
Enhanced Vision Gymnastics Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Doctor Mid-Nite suit Specialized Lenses Blackout Bomb
Created by
Roy Thomas · Dann Thomas · Todd McFarlane
Beth Chapel is a superhero from the DC Comics and the current holder of the Doctor Mid-Nite persona. She is a member of the Justice Society of America and Charles McNider's successor.
Biography [ ]
Powers/Abilities [ ]
Possessions [ ]
Other Appearances [ ]
Stargirl [ ]