Diablo is Maleficent's pet raven and the secondary antagonist of Sleeping Beauty. He was very loyal to his mistress.
Diablo is Maleficent's pet raven and assistant who is just as evil and diabolical like his mistress. He was present when she had cursed Maleficent and stayed by her side for the past sixteen years.
Unlike all her other lackeys, Maleficent sees Diablo as her confidante and he is the only genuine thing she cares for. For example, upon seeing Diablo turned to stone, she attacked the heroes and prevented them from entering Stefan's castle to save Aurora from her curse. In return, he apparently cares a great deal for Maleficent, specifically seen when he fell into despair alongside her after her goons have been revealed to have been searching for a baby for sixteen years, as opposed to a teenager, which Aurora would have been at that point in time.
He is just as evil and sadistic as Maleficent is, taking great pride in watching his mistress torment Prince Philip. He is also in charge of Maleficent's goons, being her second-in-command. Diablo is also the most competent of her minions. For example he was successful in tracking Aurora down in a cottage in the forest in a manner of hours whlle her other goons took sixteen years, thinking Aurora had been a baby all this time.
Diablo is also very different from his Maleficent counterpart, this time named Diaval. In that universe, Diaval is extremely loyal to Maleficent, feeling he owed her for saving his life. Sometimes, whenever, Diaval wanted to speak, he would pester her until she turned him into human. Overtime, he became friends with Maleficent and helped raise Aurora, whom he developed a friendly relationship with.
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