Development Devin "Dev" Dimmadome is a character in The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish. He was the grandosn of Doug Dimmadome from th e original series and the former godchild of Peri. He is the son of Dale Dimmadome and is a frequent antagonist to Hazel Wells. He was her friend from A New Dev-Elopment to Operation: Birthday Takeback.
Earth: Dimmsdale (Turner Residence (Cosmo and Wanda's Castle and Fishbowl, Park, City Hall), Dimmsdale Flats, Dimmsdale Dump, Dimmsdale Elementary School, Dimmsdale High School)
Fairy World: Spellementary School Planets:Yugopotamia Dimensions: Acton Planet, Pixie Inc., Anti-Fairy World