Heroes and Villains Wiki

Dawg is Horace Diaz's pet shark in Mighty Med who appeared in the episode "Are You Afraid of the Shark?"

Role in the series[]

He was mutated into a shark-human hybrid when Oliver accidentally fed Dawg too much shark treats. He began attacking the staff at Mighty Med, beginning to hunt Horace's nephew Alan, Oliver and Skylar and he later attacked supervisor Doctor Bridges. However, Dawg became a full human when Oliver fed Dawg the treats from earlier and Dawg left the facilities. Doctor Bridges, to her disappointment, decides to not fire Horace after believing his study to mutate living organisms was successful but she hoped to fire him next time. Horace thanks Oliver for accomplishing his own dream of mutating Dawg but expresses disdain that Oliver didn't wait until Bridges was consumed by Dawg.


  • When Oliver and Skylar agreed to pet-sit Dawg, they thought he was a dog and only found out Dawg was a shark instead.
  • It is implied Dawg ate a doctor to gain a doctor's lab coat.
Main Characters: KazOliverSkylar StormAlan Diaz

Mighty Med employees: Horace Diaz/CaduceoBennyLizard ManPhilipAgent BlaylockAmbroseSimonThermometer ManFred

Normos: GusJordanStefanie

Superheroes: TectonSolar FlareBlue TornadoCaptain AtomicNeoCortexTimelineTitanioBrain MatterGray GraniteOptimoThe Great DefenderJade/RemixIncognitoThe CrusherOwl GirlMesmeraAlley CatSpotlightDark WarriorSpark SnowstormHapax the ElderQueen HornetCitadelAbsolute ZeroAmicus & HaroldArachniaBrain MatterDark WarriorDisgustoFlashbackKey Keeper VIIIMr. QuickOwl GirlReplikateRewindRobo CannonSurgeThe Great DefenderThe Human BladeValkira

Supervillains: Wallace and Clyde/CatastropheMegahertzExperionThe AnnihilatorBridget/Mr. TerrorMortSlaughter MasterNightstrikeSoul SlayerThe IncineratorThe IncapacitatorGulliver and ChazSonic ShriekThe Black FalconThe ExterminatorDr. WrathDreadlockRevengeanceWi-FiArgentoThe DracainaUnit-238MicrosHunter Bounty

Guest Characters: Chase DavenportAdam DavenportBree DavenportLeo Dooley

Other: Kakai-Rata-Hee-Haw-Mwuaak-Floopy-Pa-zoingDawg

Mighty MedCaldera