Davenport Industries is a company featured in Lab Rats and it's spinoff series, Lab Rats: Elite Force. The company was founded by Donald and Douglas Davenport in 1992. Currently, Donald acts as CEO, as he kicked out his brother and rat him out after learning he created Adam, Bree and Chase and intended to use them for evil purposes.
Davenport Industries was founded in 1992 by the Davenport brothers, Donald and Douglas. According to Donald, they used to have a lab that was not as big as the current one.
Davenport Industries works on many inventions meant to help mankind, one of them was bionic technology. They were meant for robots, but instead were used on humans. Adam, Bree and Chase Davenport were the first humans to be given the technology. However, the bionics were never meant for the human body, which is why they glitch, which is when their bionics go haywire when either tied to their emotions or if their bionics have but been calibrated correctly, requiring them to sleep in a capsule. It also gives them certain abilities, such as super strength, super speed, or super intelligence.
Bionics are also implanted into Androids such as Marcus Davenport or humans. Victor Krane implanted himself with every piece of technology that Douglas created, new or otherwise. Douglas also used the bionics to fix his nephew, Leo Dooley's arm after it was damaged by Krane and his soldier, S-1. Donald used them to fix Leo's leg.