Darth Sidious (born Sheev Palpatine, also known as Emperor Palpatine , simply known as The Emperor) is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. He was once the Senator of Nboo, before maniulating Padme Amidala then Queen of Naboo, into calling a re-election of the Supreme Chancellor and taking over the republic. Palpatine revealed his true colors as Darth Sidious, and turned the Republic into the Galactic Empire and making himself Emperor, after the Jedi's destruction.
When he is under his birth name, Sheev Palpatine, he presents himself as a wise figure who is quite amicable. However, in truth, Sidious is a cold-hearted and evil man who manipulated both sides of the Clone Wars for three years and turning the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire.
Sidious presented himself as a kind and fatherly figure towards Anakin, being like the father the boy never had. However, Sidious manipulated Anakin so he could turn the young man into his in apprentice, Darth Vader, especially with the chance to save Padmé Amidala. He presented himself to Ezra Bridger in his kind, old man persona with the chance to be with his parents again through the world Between Worlds. However, Ezra saw through the Emperor's deception and chose his love for his adopted family and safety of the Galaxy over his own happiness. He continued to rule the Galaxy with an iron fist.
Powers and Abilities
Weapons and Equipment
Film Appearances
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Rise of the Skywalker
Television Appearances
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars Rebels
Video Games
Star Wars: Force Arena
Darth Sidious appears as a playable chracter in the video game as a Legendary squad leader card.
Other Appearances
Star Wars Weekends
- Historical leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Richard Nixon and Alberto Fujimori served as the main influences for his character.
- In the original script of The Empire Strikes Back, Palpatine was named Cos Dashit