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Dáin Ironfoot is a minor character in The Hobbit. He was a Dwarven King of Durin's Folk, the fifth King under the Mountain, and the Lord of the Iron Hills during the War of the Ring in Middle-earth.

In The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Dáin was portrayed by Billy Connolly.

Appearances in the book[]

The Hobbit[]

In the book, Dáin comes to his cousin Thorin's aid after getting a message from Roac the Raven. After Thorin's tragic demise in battle, Dáin becomes king under the Mountain. He gave a fourteenth of Bilbo's treasure to Bard and offered Bilbo even bigger part of the treasure but Bilbo turned him down. Dáin instead just gives him a small portion to Bilbo's request. Dain also granted the emeralds of Girion to King Thranduil, who prized them greatly.

The Lord of the Rings[]

Dáin works with his friend King Brand to defend their people from Sauron's forces. However, Dáin and Brand are both killed protecting each other in self defense. News of their deaths reaches Gandalf and Pippin Took in Minas Tirith, much to the former's sadness.

He is succeeded by his son, Thorin III Stonehelm and Brand is succeeded by his son Bard II.


Both Series
Bilbo BagginsSauronGandalfGaladrielSarumanFrodo BagginsElrondOtho Sackville-BagginsLobelia Sackville-BagginsGloinGollumWitch-king of Angmar

The Hobbit: Thorin OakenshieldBalinDwalinFiliKiliBifurBofurBomburDoriNoriOriOinBard the BowmanTaurielSigridTildaBainSmaugAzog the DefilerBolgRadagast the BrownThráinThrórBelladonna TookOld TookThe ThrushElros the GuardGalionFerenElves of Mirkwood
The Lord of the Rings: AragornMerry BrandybuckPippin TookSam GamgeeGimliLegolasFaramirBoromirThéodenÉowynÉomerLord DenethorArwenGríma WormtongueHamaGamlingHaldirMouth of SauronKing of the DeadShadowfaxFatty BolgerTom BombadilGoldberryEstella Bolger
The Silmarillion: ManwëVardaMorgothEru IlúvatarManwëAulëTulkasYavannaVánaOromëLórienNiennaEstëVairëNessaUlmoMandos

RohirrimFellowship of the RingThorin and CompanyDurin's Folk
Mordor, Gondor, Erebor, Blue Mountains, The Shire (Bag End, Hobbiton, Green Dragon), Bree

