Heroes and Villains Wiki

Cyprine is a major villain in the Sailor Moon franchise. She and her twin sister shares their mind and body with each other. They are members of the Witches 5, a subgroup of the Death Busters who serve Professor Souichi Tomoe.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Empathic Connection: The twins share their mind and body with each other.
  • Hypnosis/Mind Control: Cyprine can hypnotize a large number of people
  • Levitation/Portal summoning: She levitated and transport the Senshi into a pocket dimension
  • Staff
    • Fire Projectiles
      • Energy Absorption: She can absorb their attack and make it stronger.



Sailor MoonSailor JupiterSailor MarsSailor MercurySailor NeptuneSailor PlutoSailor SaturnSailor UranusSailor VenusCyprineEsmeraudeEudialGuardian CosmosMimeteQueen NeheleniaSailor ChaosSailor GalaxiaViluyNaru Osaka • Ikuko Tsukino • Kenji Tsukino • Shingo Tsukino • Gurio Umino • Tuxedo MaskLunaArtemisQueen Serenity • Nephrite • Haruna Sakurada • Reika Nishimura • Kotono Sarashina • Yuichiro Kumada • Ryo Urawa • Unazuki Furuhata • Motoki Furuhata • Four Heavenly Kings, CereCere