Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Council of Legendary Figures are a group of legendary figures in The Santa Clause franchise.

They are the guardians of holidays and children all around the world and are supportive towards one another. They also make votes on motions similar to a parliament and often confide in one another. According to Mother Nature, they must also include figures they are forced to tolerate, including Jack Frost despite the mutual dislike between the parties.


The Santa Clause 2[]

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause[]


  • It is unknown if Santa Claus is a title passed down to mortals. So far, only 19 incarnations of Santa Claus have been seen, with Scott being the 18th.
  • In 2012, DreamWorks' Rise of the Guardians also featured Santa, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, Jack Frost and Easter Bunny as members of the Guardians of Childhood. In similar cases, the Council of Legendary Figures and the Guardians are made up of legendary figures who protect the children of the world.
    • This can also include "Father Time," who was Lord Ombric, a character exclusively only to the books.


The Santa Clause Logo
Main Characters: Scott Calvin, Charlie Calvin, Bernard, Curtis, Laura Miller, Carol Newman-Calvin/Mrs. Claus, Buddy Calvin-Claus, Sandra Calvin-Claus, Laura Miller, Neil Miller
Council of Holiday Figures: Mother Nature, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, Jack Frost, Father Time, Cupid, Easter Bunny
Other: Chet, Comet, Santa 17, Krampus, Befana, Toy Santa