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Heroes and Villains Wiki

Comte de Rochefort is the main antagonist of the second season of BBC's The Musketeers. He was imprisoned by the Spanish and tortured in one of their prisons for six years until he was made a spy sent into France to infiltrate into France's politics. The Musketeers soon have to protect the Queen and Aramis from Rochefort as he continues to seize power and the king's trust.

He engaged a duel with D'Artagnan, but was no match for the young Musketeer's sword fighting skills and ultimately, was killed by D'Artagnan and would only be remembered as a liar and a traitor.

Difference from Source Matieral[]

While he is based on the character of the same name; Comte Rochefort also has characteristics of Cardinal Richelieu, with both of them being First Minister of France. Also, his friendship with D'Artagnan is completely absent due to him being the corrupted Mordaunt. They are both

The character's name and role within Richelieu are consistent with the literary sources, and his eyepatch is a result of various adaptations. However, his traits of being dangerously unpredictable and manipulative are more akin to Mordaunt, the son of Milady and the primary antagonist in the second installment of the d'Artagnan Romances, titled Twenty Years After.

He also sports on an eye patch later like the


Main Characters: AthosD'ArtagnanAramisPorthosConstanceTrevilleQueen AnneKing Louis XIIArmand RichelieuMilady de WinterSylvieComte de Rochefort
Recurring and Minor Characters
Series 1: Alexandre d'ArtagnanAgnesNinon de Larroque

Series 2:

Series 3: Captain MarcheauxGaston Minor characters:
