Heroes and Villains Wiki

Cole is one of the three tetartagonists (alongside Jay and Zane) of the LEGO Ninjago franchise. He is the Black Ninja and Master of Earth who was one of five chosen warriors to protect the Green Ninja.

He is voiced by the late Kirby Morrow in the pilot episodes to Season 14, who also voiced Miroku from InuYasha, its four movies, and Inuyasha: The Final Act, Van Fanel from the Ocean dub of Escaflowne, Cyclops from X-Men: Evolution, Jay from Class of the Titans, Teru Mikami from Death Note, Trowa Barton from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Rey Za Burrel from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Ryo Takatsuki from Project ARMS, Goku from Ocean's dub of Dragon Ball Z (from Episode 160 onwards), Hot Shot from Transformers: Cybertron.

He is later voiced by Andrew Francis in the Season 15-present, who also voiced Shining Armor in My Little Pony; Firendship is Magic, Prince Kieran in Barbie and the Secret Door, and MaxMargrath in the Max Eel franchise.

He was also voiced by Roger Craig Smith in the LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids and LEGO Dimensions.



Powers and Abilities[]


  • Power of the Earth Ninja/Geokinesis
    • Earth Punch (also called RX Powers)
    • Superhuman strength
    • Mineralkinesis
    • Elemental Dragon summoning

Temporary Powers[]

  • Golden power (in the Digiverse)


  • Martial arts mastery
  • Skilled with a scythe
  • Skilled dragon-rider

Former Powers[]

  • Ghost Physiology (including possession, invisibility, intangibility)




Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Cole (Ninjago).


Lloyd Garmadon (movie) • Kai (movie) • Jay (movie) • Cole (movie)• Naya (movie) • Master Wu (movie) • Garmadon (movie) • Misako Montgomery Garmadon (movie) • GripeKorgranPlundarBenthomaarAdamCouncil of the Crystal KingElemental MastersSoraWyldfyreArinGreat DevourerHutchinsEmperor of NinjagoEmpress of NinjagoHarumiGreat DevourerKalmaarKorgranMaaray GuardsRayMayMorroMystakeQueen VaniaVangelisNinjaRiyuSkylorThe MechanicThe Overlord