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Heroes and Villains Wiki

Coelophysis is an extinct genus of coelophysid theropod dinosaur that lived in Arizona during the Late Triassic period (Carnian to Rhaetian eras).

Powers and abilities[]

It is one of the earliest dinosaur species and their hollow bones making slender and agile.

Physical Description[]

The Coelophysis could get fairly large for an early dinosaur, with adults racing up to 10 feet tall. These sizes are generally divided into two specimen types - robust and gracile - and are thought to represent gender differentiation. Being a basal (one of the first) theropods, it had some characteristics which were lost on later members of the theropod family.

Each foot had three toes plus a dewclaw, a reduced bone located above and behind the ankle area, the hands had three fingers with sharp claws.

Castorocauda, Gigantopithecus, Megaloceros, Woolly mammoth, Smilodon
AlbertosaurusAllosaurusAmargasaurusAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBaryonyxBrachiosaurusCarcharodontosaurusCarnotaurusCeratosaurusCoelophysisCompsognathusCorythosaurusDilophosaurusDimetrodonDimorphodonDiplodocusGallimimusGiganotosaurusIchthyosaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusMaiasauraMonolophosaurusMosasaurusNanotyrannusNanuqsaurusOphthalmosaurusOuranosaurusPachycephalosaurusPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusRhamphorhynchusSpinosaurusStegosaurusSuchomimusStyracosaurusThescelosaurusTherizinosaurusTriceratopsTroodonTyrannosaurus rexUtahraptorVelociraptor, Pterosaur
Jurassic Park
Humans:Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Maisie Lockwood, Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler, Zia Rodriguez, Darius Bowman, Kenji Kon, Ben Pincus, Brooklynn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Gutierrez

Dinosaurs: Indominus rex, Mosasaurus, Blue, Charlie, Echo, Delta, Indoraptor, Brachiosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Corythosaurus, Gallimimus, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Majungasaurus
Biosyn: Soyona Santos, Vic Hoskins, Rainn Delacourt
