Heroes and Villains Wiki

Combra Commander is the main antagonist of the G.I. Joe franchise and has also appeared in the Transformers franchise during their crossover event. He is the leader of the Cobra Organization, and an arch-enemy of the G.I. Joe agency.


Cobra Commander does not delude himself by justifying his actions as matters of principles or glory. He knows he does it for control and power. He is ruthless, hatred-personified and totally obsessed. A meticulous person, he likes to personally oversee vital projects himself, even engaging in military combat himself on occasion. He is extremely manipulative and intelligent. Cobra Commander is megalomaniacal and incredibly calculating. He presented an incredibly calm and stoic demeanor, however he is capable of red hot anger.


In recruiting many of the men who make up the Cobra organization, Cobra Commander often likes to tell a story that one can only surmise to be his true origin or at least a version of it is. The story revolves around a law-abiding car salesman who served his country in the military and now runs his fledgling business. One day, he found himself under investigation by the government and tax officials for laws and ordinances his business violated. He was confident that his contribution and loyalty to the community would be appreciated only to be proven wrong and his properties seized. Not long after, his wife left him and took their son with her. Finding that everything he had worked so hard for gone, it was the realization that pushed him over the edge. He blew up his shop and as far as the world knows, he died in the fire.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • High-Level Intelligence: Cobra Commander’s mental performance allows his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. His mind also processes information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude. Some manifestation of this is his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Cobra Commander has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. He possesses an eidetic memory (he never forgets anything and has perfect instant recall), he can read at superhuman speeds, and can intuitively understand what's going to happen and how to deal with it. This enables him to remember any military tactic and apply it to any situation.
  • Master Tactician and Strategist: Cobra Commander is a strategic and tactical genius, as well as a brilliant planner and organizer. He has been widely known as one of the greatest tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.
  • Master Manipulator: Cobra Commander's best and most famous ability is that he is a master manipulator, knowing how to manipulate people (especially his enemies) into whatever his plan is.
  • Master Businessman: Cobra Commander is a really powerful and skilled businessman, who uses manipulations, tactics and strategies to do deals in the right way he chooses.
  • Master Martial Artist: Even though the Commander relied more on his high intelligence, he is known to be nevertheless a highly talented and capable martial artist. He has extensive levels of knowledge of melee combat. He has mastered several martial arts such as; Muay Thai, boxing, Krav Maga, Taekwondo, Savate, Wushu, Judo, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
  • Expert Marksman: Cobra Commander knows his way around a variety of pistols, rifles, and shotguns as well as being able to precisely eliminate targets from a long distance.
  • Master Swordsman: He is a remarkable swordsman, able to use a blade with lethal accuracy and strength.
  • Expert Vehicular Driver: Cobra Commander is highly proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles.
  • Indomitable Will: Cobra Commander will strive to complete his tasks, no matter what it takes.

