Cliegg Lars was the father of Owen Lars and a character in the Star Wars universe. After meeting Shmi Skywalker, they fell in love and Cliegg bought her from Watto before freeing Shmi and marrying her.
Cliegg Lars was a human male moisture farmer from Tatooine. He had one son, Owen Lars, from his first marriage. In the years prior to the Clone Wars, he met Shmi Skywalker and freed her from slavery before marrying her. As such, he was the step-father of Anakin Skywalker, and the step-grandfather of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.
Shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Shmi was captured by a band of Tusken Raiders. Cliegg and a number of other moisture farmers attempted to save her, but the sand people drove them back, and Lars lost his right leg as a result. Anakin Skywalker later arrived on Tatooine, having had visions through the Force of Shmi's suffering and met Lars. Anakin found his mother, but she died in his arms and he returned her body to the Lars moisture farm for burial, where Lars said goodbye to his wife before dying sometime later.