Heroes and Villains Wiki

Christy Jenkins is the main antagonist of the eighth and final season of the WB television series Charmed. She is the sister of Billie Jenkins who was a witch, inheriting magical powers from her maternal grandmother. As a child, Christy was abducted by the Triad in order to raise and later turn her against to combat the Charmed Ones in an equal power with her sister.

After manipulating Billie, Christy and her sister unite to destroy the Halliwell sisters once and for all. However, Billie grows disillusioned with her sister after realizing she has gone too far when she sees the Triad's true intentions.

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Original Characters
Main Characters: Prue HalliwellPiper HalliwellPhoebe HalliwellPaige MatthewsDarryl MorrisChris HalliwellAndy TrudeauLeo WyattCoop HalliwellHenry MitchellCole TurnerBillie Jenkins

Supporting Characters: Penny HalliwellPatty HalliwellVictor BennettWyatt HalliwellElise RothmanDan GordonKyle Brody

Villains: Christy JenkinsSource of All EvilZankouRex BucklandHannah WebsterBarbasCole TurnerSource of All EvilShaxWyatt HalliwellGideonEvil PiperEvil PhoebeEvil PaigeAshley FallonAlecInspector RodriguezJannaJavnaJaydaHecateInspector SheridanSpider Demon

Macy Vaughn, Maggie Vera, Kaela Danso, Mel Vera
The TriadThe Charmed Ones