Heroes and Villains Wiki

Charlene "Charlie" Watson is the deuteragonist/human protagonist of the 2018 film, Bumblebee (reboot of the Transformers film series) and a mentioned only/background character in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts . Startled by the loss of her father, Charlie comes into possession of a yellow Volkswagen Beetle in a scrapyard belonging to a Man, uncle Hank. However, upon learning it is an alien Autobot that can take the form of a car called Bumblebee, Charlie helped him fight the Decepticons Shatter and Dropkick.


Bumblebee (2018)

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

In 1994 Charlie would likely be around 23 to 25 years old. She is is briefly mentioned when Optimus tells Bumblebee, "I know one of them helped you but this world is not our home."




  • Charlie is the first human protagonist of a live-action Transformers film to be a female, as her predecessors, Sam Witwicky and Cade Yeager, were males.
  • Unlike the other human leads, Charlie never interacts with other Autobots other than Bumblebee. However, Optimus is aware of her existence.
  • Charlie also has some similarities with several characters:
    • Like Buster Witwicky, Charlie finds Bumblebee and takes him to her garage. The difference is Charlie is unaware that Bumblebee is anthropomorphic and she fixes the car herself, while in the comics, buster had to convince his father to work on Bee himself.
    • Like Mikaela Banes, Charlie was a skilled auto-mechanic. However, Charlie's film focuses more on her skill in car mechanics than while the original Transformers film briefly touches on Mikaela's.
    • Like Sam Witwicky, both he and Charlie are outsiders with few friends, and aren't very popular. They have Bee as a car before learning he was an Autobot, become the first humans Bumblebee befriended and oppose Sector Seven. Unlike him, Charlie  is a mechanic and shares a deuteragonist role while Sam is the central protagonist of his films.
  • In the new canon, Charlie was the one to give Bumblebee his name, because his real name was B-127


Optimus PrimeBumblebeeArcee, Ratchet, Ironhide, BrawnMirageWheeljack, Cliffjumper, Stratosphere

Shatter, Dropkick, StarscreamRavageSoundwave, BlitzwingShockwave, Thrust, Thundercracker, Skywarp

Charlotte "Charlie" Watson, Guillermo "Memo" Gutierrez, Otis Watson, Sally Watson, Ron, Tina Lark, Jack Burns, General Whalen, Dr. Powell, Seymour Simmons, Noah Diaz, Elena Wallace, Reek, Kris Diaz, Breanna Diaz

Optimus PrimalAirazorRhinoxCheetor

Scourge, Nightbird, Battletrap, Freezer



Generation One: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet , Jazz, Ironhide, Sideswipe,Sunstreaker, Mirage, Hound, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Powerglide, Jetfire, Ultra MagnusSteven "Spike" WitwickyTeletraan I, Cliffjumper, Carly WitwickyDaniel WitwickySparkplug WitwickyChip ChaseRaoulAstoria Carlton-RitzMarissa FairebornBuster Witwicky, ArceeChromiaElita-OneWindbladeMoonracerFirestarGreenlightUnicronQuintessonsDoctor ArkevilleShawn BergerLord ChumleyKing NergillAliNightbirdJeroOld SnakeVictor DrathPrimacronTornedronDwellerMark MorganGregory SwoffordCircuit BreakerThe MechanicScrapletsFlameMecannibalsHot ShotRed AlertScavengerLandmineWing SaberScattershotVector PrimeOverrideBreakdownClockerBackstopScourgeEvacMetroplexQuickmixLugnutz • Omega Supreme • MegatronThe FallenStarscreamSoundwaveShockwaveSentinel PrimeScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsLightspeedCrosshairsProwlJesseG.B. BlackrockSentinel PrimeThundercrackerAstrotrainCyclonusSkywarpSunstormDevastator
Beast Wars: Optimus PrimalRhinoxCheetorRattrapDinobotTigatronAirazorSilverboltBlackarachniaDepth ChargeTigerhawkBotanicaNoblePredacons
Live-Action: Optimus PrimeBumblebeeSam WitwickyCade YeagerCharlie WatsonJazzIronhideRatchetSideswipeJetfireJoltSkids & MudflapArceeWheelieBrainsMirageWheeljackCrosshairsDriftHoundHot RodCanopyDaytraderSqweeksDynasty of PrimesGuardian Knights (DragonstormStormreignBreakaway) • Wreckers (LeadfootRoadbusterTopspin) • Dinobots (GrimlockScornSlugStrafeSlashSlogSnarl) • CogmanMikaela BanesMaggie MadsenJohn KellerGlen WhitmannLeo SpitzDutchCarly SpencerMegatronThe FallenStarscreamShatterDropkickBlitzwingSoundwaveShockwaveTessa YeagerShane DysonEdmund BurtonViviane WemblyIzabellaRon WitwickyJudy WitwickyMemo GutierrezWilliam LennoxRobert EppsCharlotte MearingJack BurnsTom BanachekSeymour SimmonsJoshua JoyceGill WembleySu YuemingDarcy TirrelSarah LennoxSentinel PrimeBonecrusherBrawlRavageScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsBlackoutGrindorLaserbeakLockdownQuintessaHarold AttingerJames Savoy
Transformers: Prime: SmokescreenBulkheadCliffjumper† • Jackson "Jack" DarbyMiko NakadaiRafael "Raf" EsquivelJune DarbyWilliam FowlerBreakdownKnock OutAirachnidWindbladeArceeRatchetJune DarbyWilliam FowlerKnock OutPredakingPredacons • Strongarm • Sideswipe • Grimlock • Fixit • Drift • Russell ClayDenny ClayWindbladeBumblebee • Megatron • StarscreamSoundwave • Trypticon • AirachnidVehiconsMECHBreakdownUnicronDreadwingShockwaveSteeljaw's PackSteeljawStunticonsCyclonus' armadaShadelock, Insecticons

My Little Pony
Generation 1: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpikePrincess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight GlimmerSandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYonaBig MacintoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear Butter Twilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberDiamond TiaraSilver SpoonSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonZecoraStar Swirl the BeardedRockhoofFlash MagnusSomnambulaMeadowbrookApple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlChangelingsCozy GlowDiscordKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonPony of ShadowsQueen ChrysalisRocShadowboltsStarlight GlimmerTantabusTatzlwurmTirek • The Pony of Shadows
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Twilight Sparkle (EG)Rarity (EG)Fluttershy (EG)Pinkie Pie (EG)Applejack (EG)Rainbow Dash (EG)Sunset ShimmerDazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal Cinch • • Sunset ShimmerIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset Shimmer
A New Generation: Sunny StarscoutZipp StormHitch TrailblazerIzzy MoonbowPipp PetalsSprout Cloverleaf
