Heroes and Villains Wiki

Captain Boomerang is a fictional supervillain from DC Comics.

George "Digger" Harkness is the deadly who uses boomerangs to commit his crimes and is both an enemy to Batman, The Flash and their teams.






Owen Mercer is the second version of Captain Boomerang. He was the son of Owen Mercer, and Meloni Thawne and therefore, the paternal half-brother of Barry Allen's and Iris West-Allen'sgrandson Bart Allen, later making Captain Boomerang as a personal enemy to him and Team Flash.

He also had enhanced speed due to his mother being a conduit for the Speed Force. He was created by Brad Meltzer and Michael Turner, Mercer appears in the Arrowverse series The Flash, portrayed by Richard Harmon.

In Other Media[]


  • An unidentified Captain Boomerang makes a cameo appearance in the Injustice: Gods Among Us prequel comic.
  • The George "Digger" Harkness incarnation of Captain Boomerang appears in The Flash: Season Zero as a member of A.R.G.U.S.'s Suicide Squad.
  • The George "Digger" Harkness incarnation of Captain Boomerang makes a cameo appearance in a flashback in the Arrow tie-in novel, Arrow: Vengeance, in which he trained with Slade Wilson during his time in the ASIS.
  • The George "Digger" Harkness incarnation of Captain Boomerang appears in the Batman: Arkham Knight prequel comic as a member of Harley Quinn's Suicide Squad before he is hired by Amanda Waller to join Deadshot in assassinating Bruce Wayne. However, Digger is betrayed and killed by Deadshot.
  • An unidentified Captain Boomerang appears in the Injustice 2 prequel comic as a member of Ra's al Ghul's Suicide Squad.


  • An unidentified Captain Boomerang received a figure in wave 18 of the DC Universe Classics line.
  • An unidentified Captain Boomerang received a figure in the Justice League Unlimited tie-in toy line.
  • The Owen Mercer incarnation of Captain Boomerang received a figure in Mattel's "DC Infinite Crisis" line.

Flash Family: The Flash (Barry AllenJay Garrick/The FlashWally West/The FlashAvery Ho), Kid Flash (Wally West, Wallace R. West, Bart Allen, Irey West/Thunderheart, Bar Torr), Jonathan Chambers/Johnny Quick, Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick/The Flash/Liberty Belle, Linda Park-West, Iris West, Jai West/Surge, Jenni Ognats/XS, Boom (Judy Garrick), Negative Flash (Meena Dhawan), Dawn and Don Allen/Tornado Twins, Max MercuryKrakkl, Speed Force
Major Supporting Cast: Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Joan Williams, Jessica Cruz, Animal Girl (Maxine Baker), Commander Cold (Henry), Fuerza (Alexa Antigone), Gold Beetle, Michael Holt/Mr. Terrific, Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway), Steadfast, Justice League (Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Clark Kent/Superman, Diana of Paradise Island/Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Arthur Curry / Aquaman, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Jeven Ognats, Meloni Thawne, Jai West, Captain Darryl Frye, Chester Runk (Chunk), Gregory Wolfe, Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo; Ashley Zolomon, Solovar, Nnamdi, The Three Dimwits, Valerie PerezDavid SinghPatty Spivot, Tina and Jery McGee, Dr. Elias, James Forrest, and Angela Margolin, Walter West (Dark Flash)
Justice League: Legacy: Nora Allen, Jenny and Jason Allen Rogue: Gorilla GroddEobard Thawne/Professor Zoom/Reverse FlashAbra KadabraBlack Flash • Black Racer • Blacksmith • Blue Trinity • Brother Grimm • Captain BoomerangCaptain ColdChillblaineCicada • Clive Yorkin • Cobalt Blue • Colonel Computron • Doctor Alchemy • Double Down • FalloutFast TrackFiddler • Folded Man • Girder • GodspeedGolden GliderGoldfaceGorilla Grodd • Griffin • Heat WaveIcicleInertia • Kilg%re • Kobra • Lady Flash • Lawrence Snart • Last Resort • Magenta • Manfred Mota • Mazdan • Mirror Master (Samuel Scudder, Evan McCulloch) • Mob Rule • Murmur • Papercut • Peek-a-Boo • Plunder • Professor Zoom • Rag Doll • Rainbow Raider • Razer • Renegades • Replicant • RivalRoguesSavitar • Shade • Shrapnel • Speed Demon • Spin • The Suit • Tar Pit • Team Turmoil • President Thawne • Thinker • Thorn • The Top • Trickster • Turbine • Turtle • Vandal SavageWeather WitchWeather WizardZoom


1990: Barry Allen/The Flash, Tina McGee, Julio Mendez, Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Jay Allen, Shawn Allen, Pike, The Ghost, Deadly Nightshade, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Omega, Trickster, Megan Lockhart/Prank I, Zoey Clark/Prank II, Pollux, Fosnight

Smallville: Bart Allen/Impulse

Arrowverse: Team Flash (Barry AllenCisco RamonCaitlin Snow, Khione "Frost" Snow/Killer Frost/FrostIris WestJoe WestHarrison Wells (Earth-1/Earth-Prime) • (Harry Wells (Earth-2)Sherloque WellsHarrison Nash Wells) • Jesse Wells/QuickWally WestEddie Thawne/Cobalt BlueRalph DibnyCecile Horton/VirtueJenna M. WestNora West-Allen (XS)Bart Allen/ImpulseMark Blaine/ChillblaineJay Garrick/The Flash, Nora Allen, Henry Allen, Chester P. RunkAllegra Garcia, Joan Williams • Kamilla Hwang, Khione) • Central City Police Department (Kristen KramerDavid Singh ), Monitor, Linda Park, Patty Spivot, Sue Dearbon, Izzy Bowin, Becky Sharpe/Hazard, Earth-2 (Cisco Ramon/Reverb, Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Linda Park/Doctor Light (Earth-2), Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (Earth-2)), Rogue Squad (Keith Kenyon/Goldface, Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper, Jaco Birch/The Hotness), Justice League (Sara Lance/White Canary, Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Kate Lane/Batwoman, Ryan Wilder/Batwoman, Ryan Choi/Atom, Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter), Team Arrow, (John Diggle, Mia Queen/Green Arrow, Thea Queen/Speedy, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog, Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific, Dinah Drake/Black Canary III), Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance/Black Canary, Quentin Lance, Laurel Lance (Earth-2)/Black Siren/Black Canary III, A.R.G.U.S. (Lyla Michaels/Harbinger, Tanya Lamden), Superfriends (Mon-El, Nia Nal/Dreamer, Querl Dox/Brainiac 5, Alex Danvers (Earth-38), Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Winn Schott (Earth-38), Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane, D.E.O.), Legends (Ray Palmer/Atom, Nate Heywood/Steel, Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, Zari Tomaz/Isis, Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Earth-X (Leo Snart/Citizen Cold, Ray Terill/The Ray, Kara-X/Overgirl, Prometheus (Earth-X), Winn Schott (Earth-X), Oliver/Dark Arrow, Siren X, Eobard ThawneGroddDigger Harkness/Captain Boomerang • Roy G. Bivalo/Rainbow Raider • DominatorsMusic MeisterSavitarClifford DeVoeMarlize De VoeAmunet Black • Cicada (Orlin Dwyer, Grace Gibbons) • AMAZOJoss Jackam/Weather WitchJohn Deegan/Doctor DestinyA.M.A.Z.O.August Heart/GodspeedRamsey Rosso/BloodworkEva McCulloch/Mirror MonarchBlack Hole • (Joseph CarverMillie Rawlins/SunshineKimiyo Hoshi/Doctor LightEsperanza Garcia/Ultraviolet) • Cisco Ramon/EchoAnti-MonitorShadow Demons • The Forces, (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Negative Forces (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Deathstorm (Earth-Prime)Ryan Wilder/Red Death • Rogues (Top, Lisa Snart/Golden Glider, Sam Scudder/Mirror Monarch, Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II • Roy G. Bivalo) • Orlin Dwyer / CicadaJoseph Carver

Central City, Star City, National City, Gotham City, Earths (Earth-Prime, Earth-1, Earth-2, Earth-38, Prime Earth, New Earth), Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force, Negative Forces (Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force)
Metahumans, Kryptonians
Flash Family, Legion of Zoom, Green Lantern Corps, Team Arrow, Superman Family (Superfriends), Justice League (DC Extended Universe, Arrowverse), Batman Family, S.T.A.R. Labs (Arrowverse), Central City Police Department, the Rogues, Royal Flush Gang, H.I.V.E., A.R.G.U.S., League of Assassins
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend (Arrowverse), More I Cannot Wish For
The Flash suit, Cosmic Treadmill, Gideon, Tachyon prototype, Flash Ring
Comics: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinJason Todd (Red Hood)Tim Drake (Red Robin)Selina Kyle/CatwomanAce the Bat-HoundBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra Cain/Orphan/BatgirlStephanie Brown/Spoiler/Batgirl/Robin) • Harley QuinnKate Kane/BatwomanBette Kane/BatwomanJulia PennyworthBasil Karlo/ClayfaceDuke Thomas/The SignalLucas Fox/BatwingHarper Row/BluebirdTerry McGinnis/BatmanHelena Bertinelli/HuntressHelena Wayne/HuntressHarold AllnutMinhkhoa "Khoa" Khan/Ghost-MakerJarroJames Gordon • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman • Diana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanTeen TitansBat-CowAzrael (Jean-Paul Valley)Poison Ivy • Zatanna

Titans: Dick Grayson/NightwingBruce Wayne/BatmanJason Todd/Red Hood/Robin IITim Drake/Robin IIIBarbara GordonSlade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Arrowverse: Helena Bertinelli/HuntressBatwoman (Ryan Wilder)Kate Kane (Arrowverse)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Extended Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanSupermanAquamanWonder WomanHarley QuinnHuntress (Helena Bertinelli)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Animated Movie Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/Robin IIRavenSuperman

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Series Batman, Aquaman, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Black Orchid, Ambush Bug, Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Comics: The JokerJonathan Crane/ScarecrowVictor Fries/Mr. FreezeRa's al GhulHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnTalia al GhulDeathstrokeTony ZuccoRiddlerMan-BatNocturnaThe Batman Who LaughsOwlmanTalonTwo-FaceBaneDarkseid, Grundy

Arrowverse: Slade Wilson (Arrowverse)Talia al GhulLex Luthor

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeMercy GravesScarecrowJokerPenguinMad Hatter

DC Extended Universe: Lex LuthorDoomsdayDeathstroke (Slade Wilson)Lex LuthorSteppenwolfDarkseidParademons

The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Batman Family • Justice League (ComicsDC Extended UniverseThe BatmanDC Animated Movie Universe) • Teen Titans (Comics2003DC Animated Movie Universe • Titans (ComicsTitansverseCartoon Network) • Court of OwlsLeague of AssassinsSuicide Squad (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • Birds of Prey (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • S.T.A.R. LabsSecret SixRed Hood GangOutsidersJustice League of ArkhamJustice Society of AmericaTitans EastDark Knights
Gotham City (Wayne ManorBatcave) • Lazarus Pit, Bludhaven, Haly's Circus, Wayne Enterprises, Arkham Asylum, Gotham City Police Department, Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs
Batman Suits, Robin Suits
Superman logo
Comics: Kal-El/Clark Kent/SupermanKara Danvers/SupergirlConner Kent/Kon-El/SuperboyKara Zor-L/Power GirlJohn Henry Irons/SteelLois LaneJonathan Samuel "Jon" Kent/Superboy/Superman IIOtho-RaOsul-RaJonathan "Pa" KentMartha "Ma" Kent • Kryptonians (Jor-ElLara Lor-VonZor-ElAlura In-ZeLor-Zod/Chris Kent/NightwingMon-El) • Lana LangJimmy OlsenPerry WhitePete RossCat GrantSam LaneLucy LaneBibbo BibbowskiLoboLori LemarisMaximaImra Ardeen/Saturn GirlNatasha Irons/SteelKrypto the SuperdogStreaky the SupercatComet the Super-HorseHot Dog

Justice League: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDiana Prince/Wonder WomanVictor Stone/CyborgBarry Allen/The FlashOliver Queen/Green ArrowJ'onn J'onzz/John Jones / Martian ManhunterDinah Lance/Black Canary)

Batman Family: Dick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinAlfred Pennyworth )

Other: Adam Strange

Smallville: Clark Kent, Oliver Queen (Smallville), Arthur Curry, Chloe Sullivan, Lois Lane, Carter Hall, Shayera Hall, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El, Zor-El, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer

DC Animated Movie Universe: SupermanLois LaneJustice League (BatmanAquamanCyborgThe FlashGreen LanternHawkmanMartian Manhunter • & Wonder Woman) • Jimmy OlsenSuperboySteelEradicatorChloe Sullivan

DC Extended Universe: SupermanBatmanFlashWonder WomanAquamanLex LuthorGeneral Zod, Faora-Ul

Arrowverse: Clark KentKara DanversLois LaneLena LuthorJ'onn J'onzzOliver Queen/ArrowJeremiah DanversAlex DanversSuperman FamilyBatman FamilyJordan KentJon KentZor-ElAlura Zor-El, Christine " Chrissy" Beppo

Comics: Alex LuthorAmazoAnti-MonitorBaneBizarroBlack AdamBrainiacCaptain BoomerangCaptain ColdCatwomanBarbara Minerva/CheetahCirceClayfaceCyborg SupermanDark KnightsDarkseidDax NovuDeathstrokeDesaadDoctor PolarisDonna TroyDoomsdayEclipsoThe EnchantressEve TeschmacherFaora Hu-UlGorilla GroddGranny GoodnessHeat WaveHector HammondHellgrammiteJax-UrJokerLegion of Super-VillainsLex LuthorLivewireMagpieMaximaMaxwell LordMercy GravesMetalloMorgan EdgeMr. FreezeMxyzptlkNeronParademonsParallaxParasitePhantom ZonersPlasmusPlastiquePrometheusPsycho-PirateQueen BeeReverse-FlashRoyal Flush GangSamuel LaneScarecrowSecret Society of Super VillainsSilver BansheeSinestroSolomon GrundySuicide SquadSuperboy-PrimeSuperman Revenge SquadSuperman (The Dark Side)SteppenwolfTalia al GhulTarantulaTobias WhaleToymanTwo-FaceUltra-HumaniteUltramanUrsaVincent EdgeVirman VundabarWeather WizardZod

Arrowverse: Non, Metallo, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro, Tal-Rho, Ally Allston, Anti-Monitor, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor

KryptoniansJustice League (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseDC Extended Universe) • Batman FamilySuperman FamilyParademonsLegion of Super-HeroesAmazonsAtlanteans
KryptonRaoMetropolisNational City