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Brontosaurus is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived in present-day United States during the Late Jurassic period. It appears in various media.


The Brontosaurus was described by American paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh in 1879, the type species being dubbed B. excelsus, based on a partial skeleton lacking a skull found in Como Bluff, Wyoming.

In subsequent years, two more species of Brontosaurus were named: B. parvus in 1902 and B. yahnahpin in 1994.

Brontosaurus lived about 156 to 146 million years ago (mya) during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian ages in the Morrison Formation of what is now Utah and Wyoming.


  • Brontosaurus appears in the video game ARK: Survival Evolved.
  • It will appear in the video game, The Isle, where it is shown with speculative neck spikes.
  • Brontosaurus appears at Epcot's Universe of Energy.
  • Brontosaurus appeared in the documentary series PBS The Dinosaurs.
  • Brontosaurus appeared in the PBS series Zoboomafoo.
  • Brontosaurus appeared in the video game Jurassic Park Builder.
  • Brontosaurus had a cameo appeared in The Land Before Time.


  • Brontosaurus means "thunder lizard" from the Greek words βροντή, brontē "thunder" and σαῦρος, sauros "lizard".
  • In 2015, it has been confirmed that both Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus are separate species.



Castorocauda, Gigantopithecus, Megaloceros, Woolly mammoth, Smilodon, Paraceratherium
AlbertosaurusAllosaurusAmargasaurusAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBaryonyxBrachiosaurusCarcharodontosaurusCarnotaurusCeratosaurusCoelophysisCompsognathusCorythosaurusCryolophosaurusDilophosaurusDimetrodonDimorphodonDiplodocusGallimimusGiganotosaurusIchthyosaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusMaiasauraMonolophosaurusMosasaurusNanotyrannusNanuqsaurusOphthalmosaurusOuranosaurusPachycephalosaurusPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusRhamphorhynchusSpinosaurusStegosaurusSuchomimusStyracosaurusThescelosaurusTherizinosaurusTriceratopsTroodonTyrannosaurus rexUtahraptorVelociraptor, Pterosaur