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Heroes and Villains Wiki

Detective Brigid O'Reilly is a main character in the Freeform television series Cloak & Dagger. She is an ally of Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson and a detective of the New Orleans Police Department (formerly the NYPD. Her rage and anger were embodied in the form of her doppelganger, Mayhem after being shot by Connors and exposed to the Darkforce and Lightforce that gave Tandy and Tyrone their own powers.

She is portrayed by Emma Lahana.



Brigid O'Reilly was originally ran with the New York Police Department at the 29th Precinct Police Station in Harlem, making several drug busts. She was a good friend of Misty Knight and learned from the reporter Ben Urich. She eventually joined the New Orleans Police Department.

Cloak and Dagger[]


O'Reilly is a good-natured woman and a renowned detective. She is willing to fight for other innocent people, and this does not stop her from crossing boundaries. Cloak considers her one of the few good and honest people of the New Orleans Police Department, which can be seen when O'Reilly takes a closer investigation at the man who attempted to rape Tandy and tried passing off his injuries as a mugging. Additionally, she would not let anyone sacrifice themselves for her. This happened when O'Reilly refused to let Cloak help her on her own plans because he was just a civilian and a teenager. Though she accepted some of Cloak's help after learning he had powers, she would grow annoyed when he stole from drug gangs.

After she was split into two different people, the good side of O'Reilly retains her previous personality. However, her darker half, Mayhem, has all the worst aspects of O'Reilly, even coming to hate her good counterpart. However, both Mayhem and O'Reilly managed to put aside their differences and were able to merge when they were both in agreement.


  • Expert Marksmanship: O'Reilly is a professional when it comes to a variety of firearms. She managed to take down Duane Porter before he could harm her and later effortlessly shot Terrors to aid Cloak and Dagger against them.

Expert Investigator: O'Reilly was able to deduce several aspects of crime. She was able to tell that Rick Cotton was the man who tried to rape Tandy Bowen despite trying to act like he had been a victim of a mugging. She was able to investigate James Connors' possible connections with drug dealers in New Orleans. This caused Connors to fear O'Reilly's detective skills enough to try to have her killed by Duane Porter



  • Father
  • Mother
  • 3 Siblings


  • New York City Police Department
    • Misty Knight - Former Colleague and Friend
  • New York Bulletin
    • Ben Urich †
  • New Orleans Police Department
    • Duchamp - Superior
    • Kenneth Fuchs † - Former Colleague and Love Interest
    • Lafayette - Colleague and Temporary Enemy
    • Levy - Colleague
    • Paulson - Colleague
    • Wyatt - Colleague
    • Newman - Colleague
  • Tandy Bowen/Dagger
  • Tyrone Johnson/Cloak
  • Mina Hess
  • Adina Johnson
  • Evita Fusilier
  • Papa Legba
  • Mayhem - Doppelgänger and Former Enemy


  • Rick Cotton
  • Liam Walsh
  • James Connors † - Former Colleague and Attempted Killer
  • Laurel
  • Kev
  • Duane Porter † - Attempted Killer and Victim
  • Harrison - Colleague
  • Daniels - Colleague
  • Terrors
  • Uptown Block Kings
    • Solomon
  • Money Hustle Gang
  • Andre Deschaine/D'Spayre †


  • In the comics, Brigid O'Reilly was a detective who chased and later, allied herself with Cloak and Dagger. However, she was killed by a poisonous gas before she was resurrected as Mayhem, a dangerous vigilante who targeted and murdered drug dealers.
  • Angel Lia Spitale was Emma Lahana's stunt double when she portrayed O'Reilly.


Main Protagonists:Iron ManHulkThor OdinsonCaptain AmericaBlack WidowHawkeyeStar-LordQuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionWar MachineBucky BarnesAnt-ManWaspDoctor StrangeSpider-ManBlack PantherCaptain MarvelRunaways (Karolina DeanAlex WilderNico MinoruChase Stein Molly HernandezGert YorkesOld Lace) • Cloak/Tyrone JohnsonDagger/Tandy BowenDaisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake)Melinda MayLeopold FitzJemma SimmonsAlphonso MackenzieAntoine "Trip" TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezJessica JonesDaredevilLuke CageIron FistPunisherDeke ShawRunawaysMedusaBlack BoltShe-HulkShang-Chi

Secondary Characters: Phil CousonNick FuryPepper PottsPeggy CarterJane FosterErik SelvigLoki LaufeysonGamoraWongDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootMantisNebulaYondu UdontaKraglin ObfonteriHank PymJanet Van DyneAncient OneShuriEverett RossOkoyeAyoM'BakuNakiaRamondaValkyrieTalosMaria RambeauMonica RambeauSorenNed LeedsMay ParkerMichelle "MJ" JonesElizabeth "Liz" ToomesChristine PalmerBobbi MorseLance HunterFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man

Tertiary Characters: Darcy LewisIan BoothbyIrani RaelRhomann DeyMaria StarkFriggaMeredith QuillHoward StarkHappy HoganLaura BartonStakar OgordCharlie-27MartinexAleta OgordVolstaggFandralHogunSifJ.A.R.V.I.S.HeimdallMiekLuisJim PaxtonKurtDave

ThanosHelaCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianEbony MawProxima MidnightAyeshaEgoRonan the AccuserTaserfaceAgatha HarknessTyler HaywardOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusCurt Connors/LizardNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/Sandman
S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesTen RingsHydraRavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the GalaxyAvengersBlack OrderDefendersKree Empire
Loki: LokiSylvie LaufeydottirMobius M. MobiusHunter B-15Miss MinutesBoastful LokiKid LokiClassic LokiThrogTime Keepers • Minutemen

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings: Shang ChiXialing

Eternals: SersiIkarisBlack KnightThena
Other Worlds: Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)Doctor Octopus

Comics: Cloak & Dagger (Tandy Bowin & Ty Johnson), D'Spayre, Black Cat, Mayhem, Power Pack (Jack Power, Julie Power, Alex Power, Katie Power, Punisher, Runaways (Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Gert Yorkes, Chase Stein, Molly Hayes, Old Lace, Xavin, Klara Prast), Spider-Man, Ecstasy, Mister Jip, Mister Negative, Nightmare, Silvermane

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Tyrone Johnson / Cloak, Tandy Bowen / Dagger, Andre Deschaine, Adina Johnson, Otis Johnson, Melissa Bowen, Chantelle Fusilier, Greg Pressfield, Liam Walsh, Lia Dewan, Brigid O'Reilly, Mayhem, James Connors, Fuchs, Watts, Francis Xavier Delgado, Evita Fusilier, Benny, Roxxon, Peter Scarborough, Nathan Bowen, Ivan Hess, Mina Hess, Stan Bartlett, Duane Porter, Rick Cotton, The Darkforce, Lightforce, Mister Jip, Papa Legba, Baron Samedi
Ultimate Spider-Man: Cloak, Dagger

Holy Ghost Church, Darkforce, Lightforce
Dark X-Men, New Warriors, Secret Avengers, Secret Defenders, X-Men