Heroes and Villains Wiki

Breakdown is a supporting antagonist of the Transformers Aligned Universe, serving as a supporting antagonist in Transformers Prime and a minor antagonist in the War for Cybertron games.

He was a Decepticon soldier and warrior. During the war on Cybertron, he developed a rivalry with Bulkhead. Breakdown arrived on Earth, with his longtime partner and friend, Knock Out (who was implied to have romantic feelings for), three years after the Decepticons were last seen and shortly after their return.Breakdown met his end when he tried to kill Airachnid, only to be caught in one of her little traps.


Breakdown tfp
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Reason: it is need of expansion.


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Reason: it is need of expansion.



  • Knock Out - Best Friend, Partner and Possible Love Interest
  • Megatron - Leader
  • Vehicons
  • Starscream
  • Soundwave
  • Shockwave

