Heroes and Villains Wiki

Braeburn is a minor character in the television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic[]

Braeburn is introduced in the episode Over a Barrel, making his first appearance when he greets Applejack and her friends at Appleloosa's train station.

"Hey there. Welcome to Appleloosa!'" — Braeburn, greeting Applejack and friends Applejack attempts to tell him that the buffalo have kidnapped Spike and Bloomberg, but he is very enthusiastic about his new home town and insists on showing them the sights. After showing them around Appleloosa and its apple orchards, he finally hears about the heist.

Braeburn explains the conflict between the settlers and the buffalo: the Appleloosans' apple trees were planted on the buffaloes' stampeding grounds. The settler ponies believe they should be able to keep the apple trees because they need them to survive. The buffalo think they should be moved because they've stampeded on the land for years as a sacred tradition.

Braeburn later meets up with Little Strongheart and appears to be willing to compromise with the buffalo, but Applejack insists on arguing the settlers' case, making them unable to reach an agreement. He watches Pinkie Pie's performance with the Sheriff, but does not participate in the battle later on.

In the episode Apple Family Reunion, Braeburn attends the Apple family reunion at Sweet Apple Acres. He first appears when he and another stallion pull a horse-drawn carriage (with Apple Strudel riding on it) towards the farm. He makes multiple cameo appearances for the remainder of the episode, including one where he walks by with a plate of uncooked apple fritters. Later in the episode, when Granny Smith reminds Applejack that she needs to give the family members time to enjoy each other's company, Braeburn says "Uh-huh" in a deep voice.

Main: Mane 6 (Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpike) • Humans 7 (Sunset ShimmerTwilight SparkleFluttershyPinkie PieApplejackRarityRainbow Dash

Secondary: Princess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight Glimmer

Young Six: SandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYona

Other: Big McIntoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear ButterTwilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberRoyal GuardsSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonTrouble Shoes ClydeZecora, Pipsqueak, FeatherweightSunny Daze and Peachy PieSugar Belle, Little Strongheart

Other: Dean CadanceGloriosa DaisyIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset ShimmerTimber SpruceVice Principal Luna

Generation One: ArabusBeezenCatrinaDragon GangGrogarHydiaKing CharlatanLavanPrincess PorcinaQueen BumbleRaptoriansReeka & DraggleSmoozeSomnambulaSquirkLord Tirek

Equestria Girls: Dazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal CinchSnips and SnailsSunset Shimmer
Comics: AccordBad Apple ChupacabraMane Six (Ponies of the Dark Water)Nightmare RarityPrincess Celestia (Mirror Universe)PseudocornsRabiaShadowfrightVampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Apple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlArimaspiBugbearChangelingsChimeraCockatriceCozy GlowDaybreakerDr. CaballeronDiamond DogsDiscordDragonsDragon Lord TorchFlim Flam BrothersGarbleGladmaneHydraKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonParaspritesPony of ShadowsPuckwudgiesQueen ChrysalisRocSable SpiritShadowboltsSmoozeSnips and SnailsSphinxStarlight GlimmerSvengallopTantabusTatzlwurmTimberwolvesTirekVampire Fruit BatsWindigos

Movie: GrubberStorm KingTempest Shadow

A New Generation: Sunny Starscout, Zipp Storm, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals, Sprout Cloverleaf

My Little Pony/Transformers: Optimus PrimeGreenlightArceeBumblebeeRatchetMegatronRavage

Generation One: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet , Jazz, Ironhide, Sideswipe,Sunstreaker, Mirage, Hound, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Powerglide, Jetfire, Ultra MagnusSteven "Spike" WitwickyTeletraan I, Cliffjumper, Carly WitwickyDaniel WitwickySparkplug WitwickyChip ChaseRaoulAstoria Carlton-RitzMarissa FairebornBuster Witwicky, ArceeChromiaElita-OneWindbladeMoonracerFirestarGreenlightUnicronQuintessonsDoctor ArkevilleShawn BergerLord ChumleyKing NergillAliNightbirdJeroOld SnakeVictor DrathPrimacronTornedronDwellerMark MorganGregory SwoffordCircuit BreakerThe MechanicScrapletsFlameMecannibalsHot ShotRed AlertScavengerLandmineWing SaberScattershotVector PrimeOverrideBreakdownClockerBackstopScourgeEvacMetroplexQuickmixLugnutz • Omega Supreme • MegatronThe FallenStarscreamSoundwaveShockwaveSentinel PrimeScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsLightspeedCrosshairsProwlJesseG.B. BlackrockSentinel PrimeThundercrackerAstrotrainCyclonusSkywarpSunstormDevastator
Beast Wars: Optimus PrimalRhinoxCheetorRattrapDinobotTigatronAirazorSilverboltBlackarachniaDepth ChargeTigerhawkBotanicaNoblePredacons
Live-Action: Optimus PrimeBumblebeeSam WitwickyCade YeagerCharlie WatsonJazzIronhideRatchetSideswipeJetfireJoltSkids & MudflapArceeWheelieBrainsMirageWheeljackCrosshairsDriftHoundHot RodCanopyDaytraderSqweeksDynasty of PrimesGuardian Knights (DragonstormStormreignBreakaway) • Wreckers (LeadfootRoadbusterTopspin) • Dinobots (GrimlockScornSlugStrafeSlashSlogSnarl) • CogmanMikaela BanesMaggie MadsenJohn KellerGlen WhitmannLeo SpitzDutchCarly SpencerMegatronThe FallenStarscreamShatterDropkickBlitzwingSoundwaveShockwaveTessa YeagerShane DysonEdmund BurtonViviane WemblyIzabellaRon WitwickyJudy WitwickyMemo GutierrezWilliam LennoxRobert EppsCharlotte MearingJack BurnsTom BanachekSeymour SimmonsJoshua JoyceGill WembleySu YuemingDarcy TirrelSarah LennoxSentinel PrimeBonecrusherBrawlRavageScorponokConstructiconsStunticonsBlackoutGrindorLaserbeakLockdownQuintessaHarold AttingerJames Savoy
Transformers: Prime: SmokescreenBulkheadCliffjumper† • Jackson "Jack" DarbyMiko NakadaiRafael "Raf" EsquivelJune DarbyWilliam FowlerBreakdownKnock OutAirachnidWindbladeArceeRatchetJune DarbyWilliam FowlerKnock OutPredakingPredacons • Strongarm • Sideswipe • Grimlock • Fixit • Drift • Russell ClayDenny ClayWindbladeBumblebee • Megatron • StarscreamSoundwave • Trypticon • AirachnidVehiconsMECHBreakdownUnicronDreadwingShockwaveSteeljaw's PackSteeljawStunticonsCyclonus' armadaShadelock, Insecticons

My Little Pony
Generation 1: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpikePrincess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight GlimmerSandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYonaBig MacintoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear Butter Twilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberDiamond TiaraSilver SpoonSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonZecoraStar Swirl the BeardedRockhoofFlash MagnusSomnambulaMeadowbrookApple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlChangelingsCozy GlowDiscordKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonPony of ShadowsQueen ChrysalisRocShadowboltsStarlight GlimmerTantabusTatzlwurmTirek • The Pony of Shadows
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Twilight Sparkle (EG)Rarity (EG)Fluttershy (EG)Pinkie Pie (EG)Applejack (EG)Rainbow Dash (EG)Sunset ShimmerDazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal Cinch • • Sunset ShimmerIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset Shimmer
A New Generation: Sunny StarscoutZipp StormHitch TrailblazerIzzy MoonbowPipp PetalsSprout Cloverleaf
