Heroes and Villains Wiki

Natasha "Nat" Romanoff (born Natalia Alianova Romanova; known by her codename Black Widow) is one of the main protagonists of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She was a skilled Russian spy she assassin who was trained by Madame B in the Red Room with others in the Black Widow program until she was recruited by Clint Barton (Hawkeye) into becoming an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. after being called a national security threat. She has also been a member of the Avengers and was initially supportive of the Sokovia Accords and fought on Tony Stark's side until helping Steve Rogers/Captain America. After hiding, Natasha took part in the Infinity War and the Time Heist by sacrificing herself for the Soul Stone to revive those who were lost in the Blip.

She is one of the main protagonists of the Avengers tetralogy. She is also a major character of Iron Man 2,Captain America: Civil War, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. She is a minor character in Thor: Ragnarok and Captain Marvel, a posthumous character in Spider-Man: Far from Home a cameo character in Loki and the titular main protagonist the film Black Widow, which takes place in between her appearances in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.


Natalia Alianova Romanova was born in Russia to Ivan Romanoff and an unnamed woman. As a child, for three years, Natasha lived in Ohio, with her adoptive "parents" Melina Vostokoff and Alexei Shostakov unaware of the mission her adoptive parents were assigned. She was acquainted with another girl a couple years younger than her, Yelena Belova. The girls were inseparable, often playing together. However, after their parents' cover was blown, Natasha and Yelena were separated. Over time, Natasha became the deadly assassin, Black Widow after training in the Red Room. She became a threat to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and Nick Fury sent Clint Barton to eliminate her. Instead, he recruited her, and Nick Fury approved. Natalia took the name Natasha Romanoff and developed a long friendship with Clint and become an aunt of sorts to his children.

At another unknown point, Black Widow was tasked to protect someone but the Winter Soldier intervened.


Natasha is a tall, attractive woman. She usually has red hair that gradually would change. Recently, Natasha's hair has been dyed blond due to being on the run.


A woman who had the smallest ego of all her teammates, Natasha was very calm and collected when it came to tough situations. However,, her life before a SHIELD agent was that she was very mysterious and very deadly. Despite being the apparently deadly assassin, Natasha was actually not as deadly as people thought she was, as she was quite reasonable in leaving to the SHIELD agency. She was able to adopt many personalities, due to her being trained in this profession, and was also able to fool others.

Natasha was a very fearless person. However, when it came to Bruce Banner as the Hulk, she was very scared of him, but she was able to control this fear due to her falling in love with him. She was even scared when facing Bucky Barnes (AKA the Winter Soldier), especially after being seemingly fatally injured by him. She was willing to protect many other people, those close to her and even

She has an individual relationship with each of the Avengers. However, her relationship with Thor is uncertain. She was very close with Clint, and had something of a aunt/niece/nephew bond with Clint's children. Over time, she saw Captain America as a friend and was willing to protect Vision against the Black Widow.

Despite not having any superpowers, like Clint or Tony, Natasha is just as strong and powerful as they are and very strong in battle.


Iron Man 2[]

The Avengers[]

Captain America: The Winter Soldier[]

Avengers: Age of Ultron[]

Captain America: Civil War[]

Spider-Man: Homecoming[]

Thor: Ragnarok[]

Natasha appears in video footage when Thor enacts footage of Natasha to turn Hulk back into Bruce Banner.

Avengers: Infinity War[]

Captain Marvel[]

In the mid-credits scene, Natasha is with Rhodey, Steve and Bruce when they are talking about the Decimation. As she begins wondering who was on the other end of Fury's pagers.

Avengers: Endgame[]

Black Widow[]


Hawkeye (best friend)[]

Clint and Natasha are best friends. However, at the start of their relationship, Clint Barton (as Hawkeye) was sent to eliminate Natasha, but instead, Barton saw her skills and recommended her recruitment. The two began an everlasting partnership, with Barton affectionately calling her "Nat."During The Avengers, Barton was taken by Loki Laufeyson, while being under his mind control. When she heard he was in danger, she immediately beat up her interogators. Loki later saw their relationship as friends, and even threatened to have Hawkeye kill her and when he would awake in horror, Loki would then kill Hawkeye. Natasha was forced to fight him, but she was able to knock him out and they both quickly apologized.

It is revealed that Natasha is close to Clint, his wife and their three children.

During the Civil War, Clint and Natasha's relationship was briefly strained because Nat joined the Iron Man side while Barton joined Captain America's team. In Avengers: Endgame, Natasha sacrifices herself on Vormir for Clint not only because she knew her own death would give him the Soul Stone to help undo the Snap but because she knew his family needed him.

Steve Rogers/Captain America[]

Natasha is good friends with Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. The two of them became very close friends over the years. They usually never go on a romantic level, but Natasha does understand Steve on a level. When they were undercover, she told Steve to kiss her, but it didn't really mean anything, as they just see themselves as siblings. In Age of Ultron, Steve also notices that Natasha and Bruce were in love with each other.

During the Civil War, Natasha sided with Iron Man's faction, putting a strain on her relationship with Steve. However, she did still care about Steve, even switching sides, allowing them to escape while stalling Black Panther. knowing full well that she was risking her freedom, and her life.

Later, in Avengers: Endgame, Natasha comforts Steve with the fact that whatever it is their planning will work. He is deeply sadden by her death, and decides to mourn her with the rest of the team. At that moment, Steve admits Natasha was family and that she believed it in return.


Natasha first met Bruce when she was recruiting him for the team in the Avengers. She was afraid of him, especially when he was in his Hulk form. She brought a gun out when she thought he was going to have a major outburst.

It was revealed in Age of Ultron, that Bruce and Natasha both had romantic feelings for each other. Since she was in love with Hulk, Natasha was no longer scared by him. By then, Natasha was the one who was able to get to Hulk by reciting a small statement. When Natasha was kidnapped by Ultron, Bruce was worried about her and saved her. When he was in the Quinjet, Natasha tried to get to him, but Banner immediately discharged her call.

When the reunited in Avengers: Infinity War, they were both cordial, yet awkward towards another. However, they still remained friends.

After Natasha's death, Bruce tried everything to bing her back with the Infinity Stones; however, it didn't succeeded. Despite their breakup, it is heavily implied Bruce still had feelings for her.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe).


Main Protagonists:Iron ManHulkThor OdinsonCaptain AmericaBlack WidowHawkeyeStar-LordQuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionWar MachineBucky BarnesAnt-ManWaspDoctor StrangeSpider-ManBlack PantherCaptain MarvelRunaways (Karolina DeanAlex WilderNico MinoruChase Stein Molly HernandezGert YorkesOld Lace) • Cloak/Tyrone JohnsonDagger/Tandy BowenDaisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake)Melinda MayLeopold FitzJemma SimmonsAlphonso MackenzieAntoine "Trip" TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezJessica JonesDaredevilLuke CageIron FistPunisherDeke ShawRunawaysMedusaBlack BoltShe-HulkShang-Chi

Secondary Characters: Phil CousonNick FuryPepper PottsPeggy CarterJane FosterErik SelvigLoki LaufeysonGamoraWongDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootMantisNebulaYondu UdontaKraglin ObfonteriHank PymJanet Van DyneAncient OneShuriEverett RossOkoyeAyoM'BakuNakiaRamondaValkyrieTalosMaria RambeauMonica RambeauSorenNed LeedsMay ParkerMichelle "MJ" JonesElizabeth "Liz" ToomesChristine PalmerBobbi MorseLance HunterFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man

Tertiary Characters: Darcy LewisIan BoothbyIrani RaelRhomann DeyMaria StarkFriggaMeredith QuillHoward StarkHappy HoganLaura BartonStakar OgordCharlie-27MartinexAleta OgordVolstaggFandralHogunSifJ.A.R.V.I.S.HeimdallMiekLuisJim PaxtonKurtDave

ThanosHelaCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianEbony MawProxima MidnightAyeshaEgoRonan the AccuserTaserfaceAgatha HarknessTyler HaywardOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusCurt Connors/LizardNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/Sandman
S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesTen RingsHydraRavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the GalaxyAvengersBlack OrderDefendersKree Empire
Loki: LokiSylvie LaufeydottirMobius M. MobiusHunter B-15Miss MinutesBoastful LokiKid LokiClassic LokiThrogTime Keepers • Minutemen

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings: Shang ChiXialing

Eternals: SersiIkarisBlack KnightThena
Other Worlds: Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)Doctor Octopus

Marvel Comics Characters
Iron Man Family: Tony Stark/Iron ManJames Rhodes/War Machine

Avengers: Natalia Romanova/Black WidowSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaMary Jane Watson
Illuminati: Mr. Fantastic (Marvel), Namor the Sub-MarinerDoctor Strange (Marvel)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Iron ManPepper PottsWar MachineHappy HoganJ.A.R.V.I.S.Ho YinsenHoward StarkMaria StarkIron MongerPhil CoulsonNick FuryBlack WidowChristine EverhartWhiplashJustin HammerSpider-ManHulkHarley KeenerAldrich KillianMatthew EllisMaya Hansen
Ten RingsStark Industries

Teammates: Ant-ManCaptain AmericaHulkIron ManThorWasp BeastBlack CatBlack KnightBlack PantherBlack WidowCannonballCaptain BritainCaptain MarvelCrystalCyclopsDaredevilFalcon • Firebird • FirestarHawkeyeHellcatHerculesInvisible WomanIron FistJane FosterJulia CarpenterMaria HillMiles MoralesMister FantasticMockingbird • Moondragon • Nadia van DyneNamorNoh-VarrQuake • Quasar • Quicksilver • Red Hulk • Robbie ReyesScarlet WitchScott LangSentrySersiShang-ChiShe-HulkSilver SurferSpectrumSpider-ManStormSunspotThing • Tigra • VisionWar MachineWinter SoldierWolverineWonder ManYellowjacket • Yondu Udonta • Adam WarlockAmadeus ChoAmerica ChavezBladeBlue MarvelBrunnhildeCannonballCassandra LangDavid AlleyneDeadpoolDoctor StrangeEchoElsa BloodstoneEmma FrostEnchantressFlash ThompsonGhost Rider (Johnny Blaze)GwenpoolHavokHulklingIron PatriotJohnny Storm • Jessica DrewJessica JonesJim HammondKate BishopLuke CageMedusaMoon KnightMs. MarvelNick Fury, Jr.NovaPatriotPower ManProdigyRogueSam AlexanderSongbirdSunfireSuperior Spider-ManSquirrel GirlThe PunisherU.S. AgentWhite TigerWiccanX-23Betty RossBucky BarnesGhost RiderGwen StacyLoki LaufeysonMary Jane WatsonNew GoblinOdinPepper PottsRed GuardianRick Jones • Ronin • Sharon CarterShuriSilver Sable • Thunderstrike • Venom

Villains: Emil Blonsky/AbominationCarl Creel/Absorbing ManA.I.M.AnnihilusEn Sabah Nur/ApocalypseArnim ZolaAtlasAttumaBaron MordoBaron Wolfgang von StruckerBaron ZemoBeetleBeyonderBlack KnightBlackoutBlack OrderBlack CatBlack WidowBoomerangBrotherhood of Evil MutantsCarnageCelestialsChanceChitauriCrossbonesD'SpayreDark AvengersDark ElvesDark PhoenixDeadpoolDestinyDiamondbackDoctor DoomDoctor OctopusDormammuDraculaEddie BrockEggheadEgo the Living PlanetElectroFrost GiantsGalactusGarthan SaalGhostGreen Goblin ( Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) • Grey GargoyleHelaHeinz KrugerHigh EvolutionaryHorsemen of ApocalypseHYDRAJackalJ. Jonah JamesonJuggernautJustin HammerKaineKang the ConquerorKingpinKlawKnullKorath the PursuerKorvacKraven the HunterKreeLady DeathstrikeLoki LaufeysonMagnetoMan-ApeMasters of EvilMedusaMephistoMister SinisterM.O.D.O.K.MystiqueMysterioNamorNebulaNightmarePuppet MasterPyroQuicksilverRadioactive ManRed SkullRhinoRogueSabretoothSandmanScarlet WitchScorpionSebastian ShawShockerShockwaveSilver SableSkrullsSuper-SkrullSupreme IntelligenceTaskmasterTen RingsThanosTiger Shark UltronVenomVultureWinter SoldierZzzax

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Team: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkThor OdinsonBlack WidowHawkeyeLoki LaufeysonPhilMaria HillErik SelvigNick FuryPepper PottsJ.A.R.V.I.S.QuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionFalconHeimdallLaura BartonHelen ChoEitriWongStar-LordCaptain MarvelBlack PantherSpider-ManGamoraValkyrieNebulaMantisDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootThe CollectorThaddeus RossShuriM'BakuAyoWarsongRamondaNed LeedsMay Parker
Villains: Alexander PierceThanosThe OtherUlysses KlaueMadame B.ListJasper SitwellCull Obsidian (2014 Time Heist) • Ebony Maw (2014 Time Heist) • Proxima Midnight (2014 Time Heist) •Corvus Glaive (2014 Time Heist) • Red Skull
Neutral: Cooper BartonLila BartonNathaniel Barton

Animation Next Avengers: James RogersTorunn Henry Pym Jr Azari Francis Barton
'Marvel Animated Universe:'Heroes: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowHawkeyeThor OdinsonCaptain MarvelSpider-ManFalconRed HulkWolverineIron FistMr. FantasticThe ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott LangVisionBlack PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbird • Techno • AtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive Man • Ursa Major • Ms. MarvelDevil DinosaurRed SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor Doom • Nighthawk • Doctor Spectrum • Power Princess • Speed Demon • Super-Adaptoid • DestroyerGrim Reaper • Crimson Dynamo • TaskmasterKraven the Hunter • Baron Strucker • GalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuDracula • Ultimo • Supergiant • The Beyonder • Titania • Nick FuryMaria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah Jameson • Hunter the White Wolf

Groups and Organizations
Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D.A.I.M.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesAsgardian Royal FamilyHYDRAGuardians of the GalaxyOutriders

Main: Steve Rogers/Captain AmericaBucky Barnes/Captain America/Winter SoldierSam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America • John Walker/Captain America/U.S. Agent • Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Captain America

Supporting characters: Peggy Carter • Bucky (Fred Davis Jr. • Jack Monroe • Rick Jones • Lemar Hoskins • Rebecca "Rikki" Barnes) • Falcon (Sam Wilson • Joaquin Torres) • Free SpiritIan Rogers/NomadSharon Carter/Agent 33Tony Stark/Iron Man• the Avengers (Natasha Romanoff/Black WidowPeter Parker/Spider-ManBruce Banner/HulkThor) • Battlestar • Demolition Man • Diamondback • Fabian Stankowicz • Fantastic Four (Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, Susan Storm-Richards/Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch) • Jack Flag • S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury • Maria Hill) • Howling Commandos • Invaders • Wolverine • X-Men

Villains: Johann Schmidt/Red SkullBrock Rumlow/Crossbones • A.I.M. • HYDRA • Baron Zemo

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Captain America: The First Avenger: Captain AmericaBucky BarnesAbraham ErskineArnim ZolaBrandtChester PhillipsDum Dum DuganGabe JonesGilmore HodgeHeinz KrugerHoward StarkJacques DernierJames Montgomery FalsworthJan (Captain America)Jim MoritaMichael DuffyNick FuryPeggy CarterRed SkullRoederPeter Quill's Grandmother]] • Ant-ManFalcon (Marvel)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Black WidowAlexander PierceJasper SitwellMaria HillWolfgang von StruckerListQuicksilverScarlet Witch

Captain Americ: Civil War: AttachéAyoBlack PantherCharlie SpencerCrossbonesEverett RossF.R.I.D.A.Y.HawkeyeHelmut ZemoIron ManJosef (Captain America)Maria StarkMay ParkerMiriam SharpeScarlet WitchSharon CarterSpider-ManT'ChakaThaddeus RossTheo BroussardVasily KarpovVision (MCU)War Machine

What If...?: Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/HYDRA Smasher, Nick Fury

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Att-LassBlack WidowBron-CharCaptain AmericaCarol Danvers/Captain MarvelDonGooseHulkJoseph DanversKellerKorath the PursuerMar-VellMs. MarvelMaria RambeauMinn-ErvaMonica RambeauNick FuryNorexPhil CoulsonRonan the AccuserSoh-LarrSorenSteve DanversSupreme IntelligenceTalosWar MachineWatcher InformantYon-Rogg

Comics: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)Monica Rambeau/SpectrumMar-Vell/Captain Marvel IKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelGenis-VellAtt-Lass

Kree EmpireStarforceAvengers