- “The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The darkness grows as all light dies,
We crave your heart and your demise,
By my black hand, the dead shall rise!” - ― The Black Lantern Corps Oath.
- “(Name and place of the new Black Lantern Ring user), Rise.”
- ―A Black Lantern Power Ring resurrecting a new member for The Black Lantern Corps.
The Black Lantern Corps are major antagonists in the DC Universe, specifically serving as the secondary antagonists of the Green Lantern franchise.
They are the reanimated corpses of deceased former DC heroes and villains returned to life with a black power ring and with the sole purpose of eradicating all living life in the DC universe on behalf of their god-like master, Nekron.
Former members, deceased[]
- Abbatoir
- Adeline Kane
- Alexandra DeWitt
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three)
- Angel Moore
- Aquagirl
- Avir
- Arin Sur
- Atom (Adam Cray)
- Atom (Al Pratt)
- Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley)
- Baby Wildebeest
- Ballistic
- Bat Lash
- "Batman"
- Deacon Blackfire
- Black Mask I
- Blockbuster I
- Blockbuster II
- Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
- Blume
- Bolt (Lawrence Bolatinsky)
- B'rr
- Cavalier (Hudson Pyle)
- Celsius
- Chay-Ara
- Clypta
- Copperhead
- Damage
- Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson)
- Doctor Mid-Nite (Charles McNider)
- Doctor Light
- Doctor Polaris (Neal Emerson)
- Dolphin
- Element Lad
- Fiddler
- Firehair
- Five Inversions
- Flying Graysons
- Freedom Beast
- Freedom Fighters
- Geist
- Glomulus
- Golden Glider
- Green Lantern Corps
- Abin Sur
- Adara
- Ahtier
- Arkkis Chummuck
- Arx
- Ayria
- Barin
- Bivvix
- Blish
- Brin
- Bzzd
- Ch'p
- Chogar
- Chthos-Chthas Chthatis
- Cundiff Cood
- Diamalon
- Dob Zagil
- Ebikar Hrui
- Eddore
- Fentara
- Flodo Span
- Galius Zed
- Gretti
- Jack T. Chance
- Katma Tui
- Ke'Haan
- Kendotha Kr'nek
- Ki-Nilg
- Kreon
- KT21
- Laira
- Mantara Rrab
- Pelle
- Rak Arranya
- Reemuz
- Remnant Nod
- Rori Dag
- Santara Rrab
- Skr'kl
- Spak-Drom
- Squagga
- Starkaðr
- Tanakata Z
- Tomar-Re
- TO-T-U-K
- Tylot
- Unknown Lantern
- Zborra
- Z'gmora
- Zharan Pel
- Harbinger
- Hawk (Holly Granger)
- Inertia
- Jack Drake
- Janet Drake
- Jean Loring
- John Zatara
- Jonah Hex
- Johnny Quick
- Jonni DC[1]
- KGBeast
- Khufu
- King Snake
- Laethwen
- Lionel Luthor
- Lois Lane (Earth-Two)
- Madame Rouge
- Magpie
- Manticore
- Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
- Mister Terrific (Terry Sloane)
- Nat-Nat
- Negative Woman
- Nero
- Omen
- Pantha
- Pariah
- Professor Zoom
- Psi
- Psycho Pirate
- Punch
- Quentin Turnbull
- The Question
- Ravager (Grant Wilson)
- Ravager (Wade LaFarge)
- Rainbow Raider
- Ralph Dibny
- Ravan
- Red Lantern Corps
- Robert Long
- Robotman's Original Body
- Rocket Red #4
- Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
- Scalphunter
- Scar
- Shrike
- Sinestro Corps
- Sobek
- Solomon Grundy
- King Solovar
- Sound Dancer
- Starman (David Knight)
- Stealth
- Steel
- Sue Dibny
- Sun Boy
- Super-Chief (Flying Stag)
- Superman (Earth-Two)
- Tammal-Tayn
- Tempest (Garth)
- Tempest (Joshua Clay)
- Terra
- Terri Henshaw
- Thunderers of Qward
- Tony Zucco
- The Top
- Trickster
- Trigger Twins I
- Trigger Twins II
- Turpa
- Twister
- Unknown Soldier
- Vanessa Kingsbury
- Ventriloquist
- Vibe
- The Yamashiro Family
- William Wintergreen
- Warp Wrap
- Xanshi
- Yasemin
- Zor-El
Former Members, resurrected[]
- Animal Man
- Anti-Monitor
- Aquaman
- Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness)
- Deadman
- Donna Troy
- Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)
- Green Arrow
- Hawk (Hank Hall)
- Hawkgirl
- Hawkman
- Ice
- Jade
- Kid Flash
- Martian Manhunter
- Maxwell Lord
- Osiris
- Relic
- Spectre (Crispus Allen)
- Superboy
- Superboy-Prime
- Superman
- Wonder Woman
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