Heroes and Villains Wiki

Black Canary is a major heroine in the DC Comics. She is the deuteragonist of the Green Arrow comics and one of the titular main protagonists of the Birds of Prey franchise (alongside Barbara Gordon and Helena Bertinelli). Born Dinah Laurel Lance, Dinah Drake Lance is a metahuman with the ability to produce a Sonic Scream to disorientate her enemies while defeating them in combat.  She and the Green Arrow Oliver Queen have an on and off relationship, sometimes due to his tendency to having affairs with other women behind his lover's back. They are divorced in the original Multiverse but appear to have rekindled their relationship in the new multiverse following the Rebirth.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Sonic Scream:




  • Ted Grant/Wildcat - Mentor
  • Team Arrow
  • Oliver Queen/Green Arrow




Black Canary: Dinah Lance/Black Canary (Injustice, DC Animated Universe, Young Justice) • Dinah Drake/Black Canary • Olivia Queen/Black Canary III (alternate reality)

Allies/Supporting Cast: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowRoy Harper/ArsenalMia Dearden/SpeedyTed Grant/WildcatEmiko Queen/Red Arrow
Birds of Prey: Barbara Gordon/BatgirlHelena Bertinelli/HuntressGypsyHawkLady Blackhawk • Lady Shiva • Barbara Gordon/BatgirlHelena bertinelli/HuntressGypsyHawkLady Blackhawk • Lady Shiva
Supervillains: Other: Black Siren • Laurel Lance-Queen/Black ArrowConnor Lance-Queen (Green Canary)

Arrowverse: Sara Lance/The Canary/White Canary • Laurel Lance (Earth-1Earth-2Dinah Drake/Black Canary IIZoe Ramirez/Black Canary

DC Extended Universe: Dinah Lance, Helena Bertinelli, Renee Montoya, Cassandra Cain, Harley Quinn

Comics: White Canary, Tommy Merlyn, Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer, Noah Kuttler/The Calculator, Lady Shiva, Cheshire, Count Vertigo, the Wizard, Music Meister, Secret Society of Super-Villains, Ra's al Ghul
Canary Cry Bombs
Main Batgirls: Bette KaneBarbara Gordon/Batgirl (Titans) • Cassandra Cain/Batgirl/Orphan (Young JusticeDC Extended Universe) • Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Batgirl/Robin (ArrowverseYoung Justice)

Supporting characters: Helena BertinelliMisfitBatmanBirds of Prey (Black CanaryHelena Bertinelli/HuntressGypsyHawkgirlLady BlackhawkDoveBig Barda) • CatwomanJames GordonDick GraysonLucius FoxJustice LeagueAlfred PennyworthProxyHarley QuinnTim DrakeJason ToddDamian WayneSupergirlLeslie ThompkinsAlysia YeohRenee Montoya

General: Batgirl (Harley Quinn)Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls)Batman vs. TMNTBatman: The Killing JokeBurton/SchumacherverseDC Animated UniverseDC Super Hero Girls 2019DC Super Hero GirlsDozierverseHarley Quinn TV SeriesTeen Titans Go!The BatmanThe Lego Batman Movie

DC Extended Universe: BatgirlJames GordonBatmanHarley QuinnBlack CanaryHuntressJokerSuicide Squad


Green Arrow: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowConnor Hawke/Green Arrow IIMia Queen/Green ArrowEmiko Queen/Red ArrowJohn Diggle
Heroes: Team Arrow (Black CanaryHenry FyffRoy HarperEmiko Queen/Red ArrowMia Dearden/SpeedyCissie King-Jones/Arrowette) • Bruce Wayne/BatmanBrave BowDodgerEddie FyersFelicity SmoakGreen Arrows of the WorldGreen Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan/Green LanternJade) • Lian HarperMoira QueenThe QuestionRed ArrowRobert QueenSinStan WilsonWalter SteeleKate Kane/BatwomanBarbara GordonCatwomanCassandra CainStephanie BrownHelena BertinelliRed HoodRed RobinDawn Granger/DoveNightwing, Garth/Aqualad, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Outsiders (Roy Harper/Arsenal, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Starfire), Bruce Wayne/Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, AquamanConnor Lance Queen/Black ArrowJefferson Pierce/Black LightningRay Palmer/Atom,

Supervillains: Amanda WallerAtrocitusBlack AdamBlack MantaBlack Spider • Blood Rose • BrainBrick • Bright • Bronze TigerBrother BloodBrotherhood of EvilCarol FerrisCatmanCheetahCheshireChina WhiteClayfaceClock KingCount VertigoConstantine DrakonCrumblerCupidDeadshotDeathstrokeDick Grayson/Vampire KingDoctor Psycho • Double Down • Dr. LightDr. SivanaElectrocutionerHellgrammiteJinxKiller CrocKodiakKomodoLarfleezeLeague of AssassinsLady ShivaLongbow HuntersMammothMerlynMetalloMister FreezeNeronNinth CircleOnomatopoeiaProfessor OjoProfessor ZoomPrometheusThe Queen, Big Bad Wolf • Ra's al GhulRed DartParasiteRichard DragonRiddlerRoyal Flush GangSinestroSinestro CorpsSkylarkSolomon GrudyStingerSuicide SquadTobias WhaleWarpWizard

Star City (ArrowcaveAshramQueen IndustriesSherwood FloristStar CityStarfish Island (Lian Yu) • Vlatava) • Central City • National City • Waverider • the Vanishing Point • Star City Police Department • Queen Industries
Team ArrowTeam Flash • the Legends • Justice LeagueA.R.G.U.S.Black Lantern CorpsGreen Lantern CorpsRed Lantern CorpsOrange Lantern Corps

Members: Barbara Gordon/BatgirlHelena Bertinelli/HuntressDinah Drake Lance/Black Canary • Big Barda • Lady Blackhawk • Hawk
Supporting Cast: To be added
Rogue Gallery: Lady Shiva, Hellgrammite, The Calculator
DC Extended Universe: Black Canary, Huntress, Renee Montoya, Harley Quinn, Cassandra Cain, Roman Sionis
Birds of Prey • League of Assassins

Justice League 2017 Movie Logo
Comics: Clark Kent/SupermanBruce Wayne/BatmanDiana/Wonder WomanThe Flash (Barry Allen)AquamanGreen ArrowMartian ManhunterVictor Stone/CyborgHippolytaHawkgirlBlack CanaryBlack AdamCaptain AtomNaomiAqualad/Jackson Hyde • Atom (Ray Palmer & Ryan Choi) • Batgirl/Oracle (Barbara Gordon)BatwomanBeast BoyNightwingRavenDonna Troy • Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond • Martin Stein and Jason Rusch) • EtrigonStarfireEmiko Queen (Red Arrow)Wallace WestWally WestCarter Hall/HawkmanM'gann M'orzz/Miss MartianMeraDamian WayneJerichoSupergirlZatanna • Green Lantern (Hal Jordan ),ShazamJohn ConstantineBlack Lighting (Jefferson Pierce) • Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man• Red TornadoAdam StrangeAgent LibertyAlan ScottAmazing ManAmbush BugAmethystAndrew BennettAnimal ManAntaeusAtomicaAugust General in IronAzraelAztekBart Allen/Impulse/Kid FlashBatwingBatwomanBig BardaBlack CondorBlack LightningBlack OrchidBlue BeetleBlue DevilBlue JayBooster GoldBronze TigerCaptain AtomCaptain ColdCatwomanCommander SteelCongorillaCreeperCrimson FoxDamian WayneDeadmanDoctor Mid-NiteDetective ChimpDoctor FateDoctor LightDoctor MistElement Woman • • EquinoxFaithFireFirehawkFrankensteinGeneral GloryGeo-ForceGuardianGuy GardnerGypsyHarley QuinnHourman (Rex TylerRick TylerMatthew Tyler) • HuntressIceJackson HydeJadeJaime ReyesJames GordonJerichoJesse QuickJessica CruzJohn StewartKatanaKid FlashKiller FrostKyle RaynerLightrayLoboLois LaneMadame XanaduMaximaMeraMetamorphoMister MiracleMiss MartianMister TerrificMon-ElMoon MaidenNatasha IronsNightmare NurseNightwingOracleOrionPandoraPhantom StrangerPlastic ManPower GirlDuke Thomas/The QuestionRoy Harper/ArsenalRocket RedRyan ChoiSaturn GirlShade the Changing MannShazamSilver SorceressSimon BazStargirlSteelSteve TrevorSupergirlSwamp ThingTasmanian DevilTed KordTempestTraci 13Tomorrow Woman • Triumph • VibeVixenWally WestZauriel

DC Extended Universe: BatmanWonder WomanSupermanCyborg • The FlashAquaman

DC Animated Movie Universe: BatmanSupermanWonder WomanAquamanCyborg • The FlashMartian ManhunterShazamRavenNightwingBeast BoyMeraZatannaStarfireBlue BeetleGreen Lantern
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Lex Luthor, Slade Wilson

Amazo, Darkseid, Dark Knights, Steppenwolf, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Dominators, Secret Society of Super-Villains, Abra Kadabra, Brainiac, Solomon Gundy, Mr. Freeze, Killer Frost, Legion of Doom, League of Assassins, Hector Hammond, Dominators, Hellgramite, Injustice League, Joker, Johnny Sorrow, General Eiling, Poison Ivy, Ra's al Ghul, Starro, Ultra-Humanite, Black Mask, Black Manta, Captain Cold, Doctor Sivana, Doomsday, Electrocutioner, Eclipso, Enchantress, Floronic Man, Doctor Polaris, Scarecrow, Simon Stagg, Sinestro, Gorilla Grodd, Icicle, Ocean Master, Professor Zoom, Parademons, Parasite, Psycho Pirate
Animated Films

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Ultraman (evil counterpart), Owlman, Superwoman, J'edd J'arkus, Power Ring, Johnny Quick (formerly), the Crime Syndicate of America

Superman logo
Comics: Kal-El/Clark Kent/SupermanKara Danvers/SupergirlConner Kent/Kon-El/SuperboyKara Zor-L/Power GirlJohn Henry Irons/SteelLois LaneJonathan Samuel "Jon" Kent/Superboy/Superman IIOtho-RaOsul-RaJonathan "Pa" KentMartha "Ma" Kent • Kryptonians (Jor-ElLara Lor-VonZor-ElAlura In-ZeLor-Zod/Chris Kent/NightwingMon-El) • Lana LangJimmy OlsenPerry WhitePete RossCat GrantSam LaneLucy LaneBibbo BibbowskiLoboLori LemarisMaximaImra Ardeen/Saturn GirlNatasha Irons/SteelKrypto the SuperdogStreaky the SupercatComet the Super-HorseHot Dog

Justice League: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDiana Prince/Wonder WomanVictor Stone/CyborgBarry Allen/The FlashOliver Queen/Green ArrowJ'onn J'onzz/John Jones / Martian ManhunterDinah Lance/Black Canary)

Batman Family: Dick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinAlfred Pennyworth )

Other: Adam Strange

Smallville: Clark Kent, Oliver Queen (Smallville), Arthur Curry, Chloe Sullivan, Lois Lane, Carter Hall, Shayera Hall, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El, Zor-El, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer

DC Animated Movie Universe: SupermanLois LaneJustice League (BatmanAquamanCyborgThe FlashGreen LanternHawkmanMartian Manhunter • & Wonder Woman) • Jimmy OlsenSuperboySteelEradicatorChloe Sullivan

DC Extended Universe: SupermanBatmanFlashWonder WomanAquamanLex LuthorGeneral Zod, Faora-Ul

Arrowverse: Clark KentKara DanversLois LaneLena LuthorJ'onn J'onzzOliver Queen/ArrowJeremiah DanversAlex DanversSuperman FamilyBatman FamilyJordan KentJon KentZor-ElAlura Zor-El, Christine " Chrissy" Beppo

Comics: Alex LuthorAmazoAnti-MonitorBaneBizarroBlack AdamBrainiacCaptain BoomerangCaptain ColdCatwomanBarbara Minerva/CheetahCirceClayfaceCyborg SupermanDark KnightsDarkseidDax NovuDeathstrokeDesaadDoctor PolarisDonna TroyDoomsdayEclipsoThe EnchantressEve TeschmacherFaora Hu-UlGorilla GroddGranny GoodnessHeat WaveHector HammondHellgrammiteJax-UrJokerLegion of Super-VillainsLex LuthorLivewireMagpieMaximaMaxwell LordMercy GravesMetalloMorgan EdgeMr. FreezeMxyzptlkNeronParademonsParallaxParasitePhantom ZonersPlasmusPlastiquePrometheusPsycho-PirateQueen BeeReverse-FlashRoyal Flush GangSamuel LaneScarecrowSecret Society of Super VillainsSilver BansheeSinestroSolomon GrundySuicide SquadSuperboy-PrimeSuperman Revenge SquadSuperman (The Dark Side)SteppenwolfTalia al GhulTarantulaTobias WhaleToymanTwo-FaceUltra-HumaniteUltramanUrsaVincent EdgeVirman VundabarWeather WizardZod

Arrowverse: Non, Metallo, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro, Tal-Rho, Ally Allston, Anti-Monitor, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor

KryptoniansJustice League (ComicsDC Animated Movie UniverseDC Extended Universe) • Batman FamilySuperman FamilyParademonsLegion of Super-HeroesAmazonsAtlanteans
KryptonRaoMetropolisNational City


Green Arrow: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowConnor Hawke/Green Arrow IIMia Queen/Green ArrowEmiko Queen/Red ArrowJohn Diggle
Heroes: Team Arrow (Black CanaryHenry FyffRoy HarperEmiko Queen/Red ArrowMia Dearden/SpeedyCissie King-Jones/Arrowette) • Bruce Wayne/BatmanBrave BowDodgerEddie FyersFelicity SmoakGreen Arrows of the WorldGreen Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan/Green LanternJade) • Lian HarperMoira QueenThe QuestionRed ArrowRobert QueenSinStan WilsonWalter SteeleKate Kane/BatwomanBarbara GordonCatwomanCassandra CainStephanie BrownHelena BertinelliRed HoodRed RobinDawn Granger/DoveNightwing, Garth/Aqualad, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Outsiders (Roy Harper/Arsenal, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Starfire), Bruce Wayne/Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, AquamanConnor Lance Queen/Black ArrowJefferson Pierce/Black LightningRay Palmer/Atom,

Supervillains: Amanda WallerAtrocitusBlack AdamBlack MantaBlack Spider • Blood Rose • BrainBrick • Bright • Bronze TigerBrother BloodBrotherhood of EvilCarol FerrisCatmanCheetahCheshireChina WhiteClayfaceClock KingCount VertigoConstantine DrakonCrumblerCupidDeadshotDeathstrokeDick Grayson/Vampire KingDoctor Psycho • Double Down • Dr. LightDr. SivanaElectrocutionerHellgrammiteJinxKiller CrocKodiakKomodoLarfleezeLeague of AssassinsLady ShivaLongbow HuntersMammothMerlynMetalloMister FreezeNeronNinth CircleOnomatopoeiaProfessor OjoProfessor ZoomPrometheusThe Queen, Big Bad Wolf • Ra's al GhulRed DartParasiteRichard DragonRiddlerRoyal Flush GangSinestroSinestro CorpsSkylarkSolomon GrudyStingerSuicide SquadTobias WhaleWarpWizard

Star City (ArrowcaveAshramQueen IndustriesSherwood FloristStar CityStarfish Island (Lian Yu) • Vlatava) • Central City • National City • Waverider • the Vanishing Point • Star City Police Department • Queen Industries
Team ArrowTeam Flash • the Legends • Justice LeagueA.R.G.U.S.Black Lantern CorpsGreen Lantern CorpsRed Lantern CorpsOrange Lantern Corps