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Big Boss Wolf is a former antagonist turned supporting character in Unstable Fables: 3 Pigs and a Baby.


At some point in time he was in charge of an operation against Little Red Riding Hood.

Big Boss Wolf leads an operation to capture the 3 pig brothers. He sends his son, the Big Bad Wolf to execute the operation.

When Big Bad Wolf manages to destroy the straw and stick houses, but fails to demolish the brick house, Big Boss Wolf orders his son to abort the mission when he suggests to go down the chimney, seeing it as a too dangerous move. Regardless, Big Bad Wolf ignores his father’s orders and heads down the chimney, refusing to accept defeat. Unfortunately, the pigs make a fire, which incinerates Big Bad Wolf, thus killing him. The other wolves who were watching through Big Bad Wolf’s camera, are horrified at the result. Big Boss Wolf is devastated to see that his son died and angrily lashes out and leaves the operation room.

The next morning, Big Boss Wolf calls for an assembly of the pack to mourn for the loss of his son. When Cool Smooth Wolf arrives and hands him a newspaper depicting the events of last night, Big Boss Wolf starts the assembly and comments how they are all saddened by the loss of their comrade, Big Bad Wolf. He tries to hold his tears, by praising his son for being a brave wolf of the pack till the very end.

While some wolves mourn his loss, others blame him for his death, for being a lone wolf who didn’t appreciate teamwork or respect his teammates decisions, which causes a dispute in the assembly. Big Boss Wolf gets angry from all of the wolves arguing during this time of sadness, and stops the dispute. Big Boss Wolf admits that his son may have not been big in teamwork, but nonetheless he was the bravest wolf of the pack, reminding the assembly of the operation of Little Red Riding Hood in which he would do away with the child much more swiftly then his other agent.

When Wide-Eyed Pacifist Wolf suggests that they give up their evil ways and instead become friends with each other, Big Boss Wolf bursts into laughter and so do the rest, finding the idea ludicrous, but still Big Boss Wolf admits that he likes when the kind wolf says things like that, enjoying a little amusement and fun.

When Dr. Wolfowitz joins the assembly to explain his own plan on how to deal with the pigs, Big Boss Wolf gets annoyed from his presence and asks the evil scientist, if he must always make a dramatic entrance, with the mad doctor saying that it comes with the job. Dr. Wolfowitz suggests that the wolves should no longer put up with the classic huff and puff, but instead use modern methods to achieve their goals, which gets Big Boss Wolf very annoyed and then furious when Dr. Wolfowitz concludes his speech by saying that they use the Doomsday Device. He finds the idea insane to deploy a weapon of mass destruction so early, and reminds everyone that he is the leader of the pack, the pack must follow his commands, and breaks the 4th wall by talking to the audience. Big Boss Wolf rejects the idea, and instead demands a more practical solution than mass destruction.

Dr. Wolfowitz then offers another plan where they plant an inside agent in their enemies’ brick house, by sending a wolf cub to the pigs, which they likely won’t refuse to take care of as one of their own, and once the cub grows up, they use him to help them break in the brick house and exact their revenge against the pigs for the humiliation they dealt them and for killing their comrade Big Bad Wolf. All the wolves cheers, and Big Boss Wolf approves of the idea.

During the night, Big Boss Wolf leads the operation and watches as it goes on. When one of the operator wolves claims that the mission is accomplished when the pigs receive the wolf baby, Big Boss Wolf angrily slaps the wolf and reminds him that the mission isn’t accomplished until the pigs take the baby inside, which they do much to his satisfaction. When the pigs decide to keep the wolf baby, they named lucky and raise him as one of their own, Big Boss Wolf gets excited and patiently awaits for their inside wolf to grow up.

Now that Lucky has grown into a teenager and runs away from home after learning that he is adopted, Big Boss Wolf finds it as the perfect opportunity to execute their long awaited plan, by turning Lucky into one of them. Glad to see that the young wolf has joined their meeting, he starts it by asking if any wolves are present. When Lucky gets confused by the statement, the Alpha Wolf tells the young wolf to not be shy and admit that he is a wolf like everyone present. Lucky corrects him, that he isn’t a wolf, confusing the other wolves and Big Boss Wolf stops the Musical Comedy Wolf from playing, and asks Lucky if he isn’t a wolf, then what is he, with the latter saying that he is a pig. Big Boss Wolf corrects the young wolf, that he is denying his own origins and questions what makes him think that, if he thinks he’s like his adoptive fathers, with Lucky answering that it doesn’t matter so long as their family. In order to enlighten the wolf, Big Boss Wolf offers to show him a bunch of pictures. When he prepares the screenplay he realizes that someone has put an offensive note on it, and he angrily takes it off and starts. After he shows a bunch of photos of a wolf, Big Boss Wolf asks Lucky if he doesn’t look like a wolf, confusing the latter. To back his point, Big Boss Wolf shows images of a pig, to make Lucky understand the difference between himself and his adoptive fathers. Lucky becomes even more confused and doubts begin to build up in his mind, and Big Boss Wolf continues to show many more pictures of pigs, how they are used as different meat products, which makes the other wolves melt their mouths and start to howl, with Big Boss Wolf joining in and Lucky as well, much to the latter‘s shock. Big Boss Wolf stops the Musical Wolf before he can take the meeting to a musical, and yell at him that it isn’t the proper time. Big Boss Wolf asks Lucky one more time what he is, but Lucky still believes that he is a pig in some way. Realizing that the message still hasn’t kicked in yet, Big Boss Wolf tries to take it up a notch, by pointing to Teen Girl Wolf to allure him with her charms and make him understand his own identity. Hearing the piano play, Big Boss Wolf tries to stop the Musical Wolf again, not wanting to ruin Lucky‘s moment and the chance to make him realize what he really is, but the Musical Wolf has had enough of his Boss and pushes him a way to start his song.

Even though he was against it at first, Big Boss Wolf is pleased that the musical has helped Lucky understand that he is a wolf and embraces that fact. After the song is over, to make it official that Lucky is one them, Big Boss Wolf gives him a Dog Tag with his name written on it. Big Boss Wolf begins to explain that Lucky has only just begun his journey of being a wolf, and that he must fulfill a sacred mission that all wolves have, and asks Lucky if he is willing to do it for his wolf family. After Lucky accepts, Big Boss Wolf explains that his mission is to leave the key of the brick house under the door mat during the full harvest moon, so the wolves can get into the brick house to come for the pigs. Lucky gets confused as to what they are planning to do with his adoptive fathers. In order to avoid scaring the young wolf from their intentions, Big Boss Wolf simply states that he doesn’t need to know, since it’s top secret, which Lucky accepts. Big Boss Wolf asks if the young wolf accepts his mission, and Lucky shakes on it, making the Boss Wolf very happy that Lucky is in with their plan.

In order to prepare for the night of the full harvest moon, Big Boss Wolf trains his pack. During the long awaited harvest moon mission, Lucky howls like a wolf, which Big Boss Wolf happily watches remarking that Lucky is indeed a wolf. When Lucky leaves his house after completing his mission, the wolves launch their operation with all the pieces in place. After everyone is ready, Big Boss Wolf joins in with his pack and head out to the pig houses, which have been fully rebuilt.

Their first stop is at the straw house, which they blow away and they do the same with the stick house. Their final stop is at the brick house, where they pretend they are going to blow it away, but Big Boss Wolf takes the key that Lucky had left under the door mat, and breaks in with the other wolves who capture the pigs. When the pigs are brought to the wolves lair and hanged upside down above a pot with boiling water, Big Boss Wolf asks them if they have any final requests, and they answer that they wish for a flashback of their entire story. When the flashback is over and the pigs request that they are at least allowed to ask for someone to look after their son, Lucky, Big Boss Wolf finds it amusing and snaps his fingers for Dr. Wolfowitz to explain their plan, who reveals that Lucky was a spy tasked to help them capture the pigs. The 3 pigs find it outrageous and accuse them of lying, but Big Boss Wolf laughs sinisterly and assures them that they aren’t, and makes it clear to them that Lucky is wolf, therefore he is a part of their own family. With that out of the way, Big Boss Wolf orders that the pigs be thrown into the boiling water.

Just when it seems that he finally manages to exact his revenge against the pigs for killing his son, Big Boss Wolf is shocked to see Lucky break in their lair and rescues his adoptive fathers. Big Boss Wolf orders for the gate to be closed before they can escape, but it’s too late. In a fit of rage, Big Boss Wolf opens the gate and watches as the escapees get away and remarks that now that they know about their plans, they can’t get inside the brick house using the same methods. Fully in agreement with his boss, Dr. Wolfowitz proposes once more that they use the Doomsday Device, which shocks Big Boss Wolf, who comments that it hasn’t even been tested. When the other wolves agree with the scientist’s plan, it gets Big Boss Wolf angry and reminds the pack that he is in charge, but they don’t care since that is their only available option left. With the pack supporting Dr. Wolfowitz, Big Boss Wolf reluctantly follows them to the brick house.

When they arrive at the brick house and Dr. Wolfowitz activates the Doomsday Device, the other wolves run away not wanting to get caught in the powerful wind storm of the device, Big Boss Wolf stays in place and watches from his binoculars how everything is going. When he notices that Lucky right in front of the house, Big Boss Wolf gets worried and orders the young wolf to get out of there before the wind storm blows him to bits. Lucky refuses to do so, stating that he would rather be blown away than lose his home. Fearing for the cub‘s safety, Big Boss Wolf activates the oscillate movement of the device to buy some time. He tries to reason with Lucky, that they care for Lucky and they don’t wish for him to get hurt since he is also part of their family, but they still need to blow the house down. Still, Lucky refuses and claims that he isn’t part of their wolf family, but the pig family who raised him. Big Boss Wolf still tries to convince Lucky that he is a wolf, and that wolves are a family that care for each other and win together. Lucky counters that claim, by saying that the Boss Wolf doesn’t know the meaning of family, that he doesn’t need to be related by blood, but connected by love. This gets into Big Boss Wolf, who lashes out in anger that he knows the pain of losing a family more than anyone, by confessing that Big Bad Wolf, who died in the brick house, was his son. This revelation shocks Lucky and the pigs, who finally learn of the pain they caused Big Boss Wolf.

Take his own words at heart, Big Boss Wolf realizes that just like wolves, pigs have families too, and that he is only going to cause Lucky to experience the same pain if he continues with his revenge. Not wanting let another wolf to die because of their actions, Big Boss Wolf orders Dr. Wolfowitz to abort and shut down the Doomsday Device, but he refuses. Left with no choice, Big Boss Wolf climbs the device and engages in a fight against the mad scientist to save Lucky. After he gets the upper hand, Big Boss Wolf fights against Dr. Wolfowitz‘s sentient tail and tries to strangle it to death. The fight is over, but Big Boss Wolf realizes that Lucky is still in danger and so he rushes to the cable and pulls it off to shut down the device. But the device is reactivated again by another wolf which causes Dr. Wolfowitz to be blown away, so this time Big Boss Wolf tears the cable out to shut the machine for good.

Big Boss Wolf states that their operation is over and orders that the pack is called off to cancel everything. Big Boss Wolf assures Lucky that it’s safe for his fathers to come out, no longer wishing to harm them, which delights Lucky that his family is safe. When Cool Smooth Wolf questions his leader about his decision of sparring the pigs, Big Boss Wolf accepts it, since they are Lucky‘s family. But Lucky also adds that Big Boss Wolf is part of his family too, and wishes to embrace him as such. Big Boss Wolf feels a little awkward by this, saying that he has troubles expressing emotions. Lucky gives Big Boss Wolf a hug to show him how to express his own feelings, and Big Boss Wolf hugs him back, touched by the young wolf’s compassion. This causes Big Boss Wolf to break down in tears, and express that Lucky’s love makes him feel like gaining a son.

After the ordeal is over, Big Boss Wolf decides to make peace with the pigs and accepts a treaty between them and the wolves, gaining new friends and a bigger family as well.


While at first glance appearing as an intimidating wolf, who only cares about feeding himself and his pack and showing his superiority to others, in reality Big Boss Wolf cares deeply about his wolf family and would do anything to ensure their safety. After being shown love and compassion from Lucky, Big Boss Wolf showed his soft side, wishing to have a family to love and who loves him back, seeing the young wolf as a son.

Physical Appearance[]

Big Boss Wolf is grey wolf wearing a black suit and green pants.
