Betty Brant
Full name
Elizabeth Brant
Other names
Betty Brant; Miss Brant
J. Jonah Jameson's secretary
Working for J. Jonah Jameson
Flirting with Peter Parker/Spider-Man, giving her boss his comeuppance
Her boss' snide remarks, Eddie's advances, Spider-Man giving up
Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 3
Portrayed by
Elizabeth Banks
Elizabeth" Betty" Brant is a supporting character in the Spider-Man trilogy. She is one of Peter Parker's close friends and J. Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man Films) 's secretary. It is also hinted Betty may harbor romantic feelings for Peter due to their partly flirtatious interactions.
History [ ]
Spider-Man [ ]
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Spider-Man 2 [ ]
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Spider-Man 3 [ ]
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Personality [ ]
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Navigation [ ]
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Oscorp Industries • Midtown High School • Columbia University • Parker Household