Heroes and Villains Wiki

"That's me, sister of mine. But I go by 'Red Alice' now.
―Kate and Elizabeth Kane

Elizabeth "Beth" Kane is the former main antagonist of the Batwoman comics. She is the twin sister of Kate Kane (the current Batwoman), the cousin of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Bette Kane (Flamebird), the first cousin once removed of Damian Wayne, and the adoptive cousin of Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Jason Todd. She was brainwashed into becoming Alice and acted as her sister's arch-enemy and rival for years. However, Beth reformed and changed her code name to Red Alice, later agreeing to get herself treated and repenting for her past actions against her family and former enemies.


  • According to the wiki, Elizabeth is 5' 11" and weighs 141 lbs.

Comics: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/RobinJason Todd (Red Hood)Tim Drake (Red Robin)Selina Kyle/CatwomanAce the Bat-HoundBatgirl (Barbara GordonCassandra Cain/Orphan/BatgirlStephanie Brown/Spoiler/Batgirl/Robin) • Harley QuinnKate Kane/BatwomanBette Kane/BatwomanJulia PennyworthBasil Karlo/ClayfaceDuke Thomas/The SignalLucas Fox/BatwingHarper Row/BluebirdTerry McGinnis/BatmanHelena Bertinelli/HuntressHelena Wayne/HuntressHarold AllnutMinhkhoa "Khoa" Khan/Ghost-MakerJarroJames Gordon • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman • Diana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanTeen TitansBat-CowAzrael (Jean-Paul Valley)Poison Ivy • Zatanna

Titans: Dick Grayson/NightwingBruce Wayne/BatmanJason Todd/Red Hood/Robin IITim Drake/Robin IIIBarbara GordonSlade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Arrowverse: Helena Bertinelli/HuntressBatwoman (Ryan Wilder)Kate Kane (Arrowverse)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Extended Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanSupermanAquamanWonder WomanHarley QuinnHuntress (Helena Bertinelli)Slade Wilson/Deathstroke

DC Animated Movie Universe: Bruce Wayne/BatmanDick Grayson/NightwingDamian Wayne/Robin IIRavenSuperman

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Series Batman, Aquaman, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Black Orchid, Ambush Bug, Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Comics: The JokerJonathan Crane/ScarecrowVictor Fries/Mr. FreezeRa's al GhulHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnTalia al GhulDeathstrokeTony ZuccoRiddlerMan-BatNocturnaThe Batman Who LaughsOwlmanTalonTwo-FaceBaneDarkseid, Grundy

Arrowverse: Slade Wilson (Arrowverse)Talia al GhulLex Luthor

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeMercy GravesScarecrowJokerPenguinMad Hatter

DC Extended Universe: Lex LuthorDoomsdayDeathstroke (Slade Wilson)Lex LuthorSteppenwolfDarkseidParademons

The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Batman Family • Justice League (ComicsDC Extended UniverseThe BatmanDC Animated Movie Universe) • Teen Titans (Comics2003DC Animated Movie Universe • Titans (ComicsTitansverseCartoon Network) • Court of OwlsLeague of AssassinsSuicide Squad (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • Birds of Prey (ComicsDC Extended Universe) • S.T.A.R. LabsSecret SixRed Hood GangOutsidersJustice League of ArkhamJustice Society of AmericaTitans EastDark Knights
Gotham City (Wayne ManorBatcave) • Lazarus Pit, Bludhaven, Haly's Circus, Wayne Enterprises, Arkham Asylum, Gotham City Police Department, Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs
Batman Suits, Robin Suits
Main: Kate KaneRyan Wilder • Red Alice

Supporting characters: Maggie Sawyer, Renee Montoya, Batman • Bette Kane • Department of Extranormal Operations (Cameron Chase • Mister Bones) • Maggie SawyerRenee Montoya • Sophie Moore • Red Alice • Bane • Killer Croc • Mister Bones • Morgaine le Fey • Mr. FreezeNocturnaNightwing

DC Animated Movie Universe: Batwoman, Batman Family

Arrowverse: Mary HamiltonBatwoman (Kate Kane, Ryan WilderSophie MooreLucas FoxBeth KaneJulia PennyworthLena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Barry Allen/The Flash, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Sara Lance/White Canary, Mia Queen, Clark Kent/Superman, Caitlin Snow/Frost, Iris West-Allen, Chester P. Runk, Allegra Garcia, Joe West, Cecile Horton, Jada Jet, Marquis Jet, Safiyah Sohail, Black Mask
