Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Shut your mouth! You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips, you dare besmirch it with your half-blood's tongue, you dare —
―Bellatrix Lestrange to Harry Potter

Bellatrix Lestrange is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Peter Pettigrew) of the Harry Potter franchise. She is one of the most powerful dark witches in her time and the one to perform the Cruciatus Curse on Neville Longbottom's parents. Bellatrix is Voldemort's most loyal and trusted follower and former love and the mother of their daughter Delphini (who is the main antagonist of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child).


Bellatrix Black was the daughter of Cygnus Black III and Druella Black (nee Rosier). She had two sisters: Narcissa and Andromeda and had a fairly strained relationship with her cousin, Sirius Black. At eleven, Bella began attending school at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. Bellatrix joined the Death Eaters after graduating from Hogwarts. She participated in the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom.


Bellatrix is cruel, evil and vindictive and quite cruel. She is known to be quite psychotic, as she always laughs. She is very loyal to Voldemort, her master, and also kills in his name. She had an obsessive love for her master, and he even had a sexual relationship with her that caused the birth of her daughter, Delphini.

Harry Potter[]

The Goblet of Fire[]

Bellatrix appears in the fourth novel, where it is revealed that she, along with her husband Rodolphus, brother-in-law Rabastan, and Barty Crouch Jr, tortured well known Aurora Franklin and Alice Longbottom. She first appears in a memory viewed by Harry Potter in Albus Dumbledore's Penseive. He observed their trial where Bellatrix, Rabastan, Rodolphus and Barty are sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban as a result of their crimes in torturing Neville's parents, Frank and Alice.

At her trial, Bellatrix proudly and defiantly proclaimed that Voldemort would rise again. Later in that book, during his rebirthing ritual, Voldemort stated that the Lestranges were amongst the most faithful members of his inner circle.

The Order of the Phoenix[]

The Half-Blood Prince[]

The Deathly Hallows[]

During the final battle, Bellatrix murdered her disowned niece, Nymphadora Tonks and dueled Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, who Bellatrix overpowers. However, she mocks Molly Weasley for losing Fred during the Battle. This proves to be her undoing, as Molly fatally hits Bellatrix with an unnamed cheese, killing the evil witch once and for all.

Harry Potter film series[]

In the Harry Potter films, Bellatrix was portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter. She was ignored in The Goblet of Fire, as are her brother-in-law Rabastan and husband.


  • Bellatrix is one of the most evil characters in the Harry Potter franchise, along with Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge, being ultimately pure evil.

Harry Potter Characters
Main: Harry PotterRon WeasleyHermione GrangerNeville LongbottomLord VoldemortAlbus DumbledoreSeverus SnapeRubeus HagridDraco Malfoy

Dumbledore's Army: Ginny WeasleyLuna LovegoodFred WeasleyGeorge WeasleyCho ChangDean ThomasErnie MacmillanHannah AbbottJustin Finch-FletchleyLavender BrownSeamus FinniganSusan BonesLee JordanParvati PatilPadma PatilAngelina Johnson

Order of the Phoenix: Minerva McGonagallArthur WeasleyMolly WeasleyAberforth DumbledoreArabella FiggFleur DelacourBill WeasleyKingsley ShackleboltJames Potter•ProngsLily Potter IRemus LupinSirius BlackElphias Doge

Voldemort's Followers: Bellatrix LestrangeBarty Crouch Jr.Peter Pettigrew•Wormtail

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Horace SlughornPomona SproutPoppy PomfreyQuirinus QuirrellFilius FlitwickHelena RavenclawPeevesBloody Baron

Ministry of Magic: Cornelius FudgeBarty Crouch Sr.Dolores UmbridgePercy Weasley

Other: Madame MaximeFenrir GreybackLucius MalfoyNarcissa MalfoyGellert GrindelwaldDobbyCedric DiggoryArmondo DippetAstoria MalfoyJames S. PotterAlbus PotterLily L. PotterScorpius MalfoyHugo Granger-WeasleyRose Granger-WeasleyDelphini

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters
Newt ScamanderTina GoldsteinQueenie GoldsteinJacob KowalskiGellert GrindelwaldCredence BareboneSeraphina PicqueryPercival GravesBernadetteMary Lou BareboneModesty BareboneGnarlakLangdon ShawHenry Shaw Jr.Henry Shaw Sr. Leta LestrangeTheseus ScamanderPickettNiffler

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: NaginiNicholas FlamelVinda Rosier

Other Characters
Legendary Figures: Godric GryffindorHelga HufflepuffRowena RavenclawSalazar SlytherinAntioch PeverellCadmus PeverellIgnotus PeverellIsolt SayreJames StewardWebster BootChadwick BootWilliamMartha and Rionach StewardGormlaith Gaunt

Fairytale Characters: AlthedaAmataAntioch PeverellAsha • • Ignotus PeverellIgnotus Peverell's sonSir LucklessWarlock

Mentioned only: Kendra DumbledorePercival DumbledoreList of Harry Potter characters

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hogwarts staff, GryffindorRavenclawSlytherinHufflepuff) • Order of the PhoenixDumbledore's ArmyDeath EatersGolden TrioIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Philosopher's Stone • The Deathly Hallows (The Invisibility CloakThe Resurrection StoneThe Elder Wand) • Horcruxes (Tom Riddle's Diary, Gaunt Ring, Slytherin Locket, Hufflepuff Cup, Ravenclaw Diadem) • Blood PactTime-TurnersSword of GryffindorMarauder's Map1Sorting Hat
Builidings: British Ministry of MagicHogwarts CastleMalfoy Manor