Belasko's Talons are scientifically enhanced harpy eagle talons that were possess the ability to steal power from beings with supernatural powers. They were used by Belasko when he attempted to steal Scott's powers. However, the talons weren't strong enough.
Jordan Parrish felt the affects of it, however. The talons were used stolen by the Desert wolf before she gave them to Theo Raeken in exchange for luring her daughter to Fort Jewett. He tried using the talons to steal the Beast of Gevaudan's powers. However, Deucalion (whose true loyalty were with Scott and his pack) tricked Theo into believing he could steal the Beast's powers on his own with his pack's powers.
Deucalion gave it to Scott, so he cold sent them to Malia. She used the claws to steal the ret of her mother's powers. Due to the influence of Scott McCall and his pack, Malia did nto kill her mother. Rather, she knocked her unconscious.