Batman Who Laughs
Other names
Batman Bruce Wayne Batman Who Laughs
Vigilante (formerly) Owner and CEO of Wayne Enterprises (formerly) Co-Founder and Leader of the Batman Family (formerly) Co-Founder and Co-Leader of the Justice League (formerly) Leader of the Dark Knights Member of the Legion of Doom (briefly) Leader of the Secret Six (formerly)
Legion of Doom Secret Six Dark Knights
Destroy Batman Justice League and everything he holds dear. (failed)
Earth -22 (Dark Multiverse)
Dick Grayson † (adoptive son) Jason Todd † (adoptive son) Tim Drake † (adoptive son) Damian Wayne † (son)
Darkseid ,
Barbatos ,
Darkfather , the Robin King, the Drowned, Dawnbreaker, the Merciless, Sky Tyrant, Murder Machine, Mind Hunter, Devastator, Grim Knight, Infinite Woman, Last Sun, Perpetua, Superior
Batman ,
Nightwing ,
Red Hood ,
Red Robin ,
Robin ,
Orphan ,
Joker ,
Harley Quinn ,
Alfred Pennyworth, Batwoman (Kate Kane) ,
Barbara Gordon ,
Captain Boomerang ,
Spoiler ,
Supergirl ,
Superman ,
Catwoman ,
Starfire ,
Raven ,
Cyborg ,
Beast Boy ,
Deathstroke ,
Donna Troy ,
Justice League ,
Teen Titans
Powers and abilities
Claws Cosmic Awareness Dimensional Manipulation Escape Artist Gadgets Genetic Manipulation Intellect Leadership Power Item Reality Manpulation Unarmed Combat Weapon Master
The Batman Who Laughs is a villain in the Batman franchise. He is the evil counterpart of Bruce Wayne as Batman and the Joker combined.
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The Batman Who Laughs is the Dark Knight of Earth -22, and the chosen herald of Barbatos. He was infected by a nanotoxin in the Joker's bloodstream upon his enemy's death, and the combination of the Joker's depravity and Bruce Wayne's tactical mind created the deadliest villain his planet had ever seen.[1]
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