Video Games
Injustice: Gods Among Us Injustice 2
Full name
Bruce Thomas Wayne
Other names
Batman Insurgency Batman Etrigan
Merciful, honorable, vengeful, brutal, dreaded, sympathetic
Vigilante Founding member of the Justice League (formerly) Leader of the Insurgency (formerly) Leader of Justice League Task Force
Justice League (formerly) Insurgency (formerly) Justice League Task Force
End High Councilor Superman's tyrannical rule over Earth Stop Brainiac (both succeeded)
Selina Kyle (lover) Talia Al Ghul † (lover)
Damian Wayne (son) Athanasia Al Ghul (daughter) Dick Grayson † (adoptive son) Jason Todd (adoptive son) Tim Drake † (adoptive son)
Supergirl ,
Lex Luthor †,
Harley Quinn ,
Catwoman ,
Green Lantern ,
The Flash ,
Firestorm ,
Black Canary , Blue Beetle, Justice League, Doctor Fate †, Deathstroke, Lucius Fox, Sub-Zero, Batgirl, Zatanna, John Constantine, Dick Grayson †, Alfred Pennyworth, Red Hood, Mirror Master, Atom, Plastic Man, Green Arrow †, Huntress †, Captain Atom †, Martian Manhunter †, Commissioner Jim Gordon †, Harvey Bullock †, Renee Montoya †, Doctor Occult †, Rose Psychic †, Detective Chimp †, Jason Blood †, Klarion the Witch Boy † and Teekl, Ragman †, Deadman †, Heat Wave †, Weather Wizard †, Hawkman †, Golden Glider †, Batwoman †, Guy Gardner †, Red Robin †, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) †, Booster Gold †, Mera, Ares, Hellboy, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Starfire, Ganthet †, Kilowog †, Ch'p †, Raiden, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Phantom Stranger †, President Boon †
Formerly: Superman , Cyborg, Shazam, Raven, Damian Wayne, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, John Stewart
Superman (second arch-nemesis), Brainiac, Cyborg, The Joker (arch-nemesis), Raven, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Black Adam, Sinestro, Damian Wayne, Poison Ivy, Aquaman, Gorilla Grodd, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday, Shazam †, The Spectre/Mister Mxyzptlk, Bane, John Stewart †, Metamorpho †, Killer Croc, Clayface, Penguin, One Earth Regime, The Society, Type of H
Powers and abilities
Peak Human Conditioning:
Peak Human Strength Peak Human Speed Peak Human Durability Peak Human Agility Peak Human Reflexes Peak Human Stamina Peak Human Healing Peak Human Mind Peak Human Senses Peak Human Longevity Computer Hacking Detective Skills Master Martial Artist Master Acrobat Extreme Wealth Master Tactician & Strategist Disguise Mastery Stealth Mastery Master Marksman Multilingualism Interrogation Investigation Indomitable Will
Batman (real name Bruce Wayne ) is the main protagonist of the Injustice video game series.
After his former best friend, Superman, turned evil after being manipulated by the Joker into killing his true love, Lois Lane, Batman formed a group of heroes to defeat their former comrade called the Insurgency. He is also a member of the Justice League
He is voiced by Kevin Conroy, who also portrayed the character in the animated series and films,