Babs Seed is a supporting protagonist in the series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
She is a female school-age Earth pony and Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big McIntosh's cousin from Manehattan. She is a former member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, having gotten a cutie mark of a pair of scissors with apple-shaped handles, as revealed in Bloom & Gloom, and the founder of the Crusaders' Manehattan branch.
Babs was terribly bullied by her fellow classmates back in Manhattan. In Ponyville, Babs got worried that it would happen to her again so she joined Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara in bullying them.
- Her name is a play on words of the idiom "bad seed", which denotes an individual who behaves rudely and often brings misfortune to others.
- On November 27, 2012, Cindy Morrow, the writer of the episodes One Bad Apple and Apple Family Reunion, was asked if Babs would return. ,
- On November 29, 2012, prior to a magazine listing Aunt and Uncle Orange as Babs Seed's aunt and uncle, Cindy Morrow was asked if Babs is Aunt and Uncle Orange's daughter and replied, "not that I know of?"
- Tony Fleecs based human Babs' design on Miley Cyrus "before she went crazy"
- She speaks with a heavy Bronx accent
- She is called Sweetie Babs in some merchandise.