Distinguishing Features
Round orange and white astromech droid with a domed head and antenna
Poe Dameron's Astromech Droid
Find R2-D2 to get the location of Luke Skywalker (succeeded).
Poe Dameron ,
Rey ,
Finn ,
Lor San Tekka ,
R2-D2 ,
C-3PO ,
Han Solo ,
Chewbacca ,
Leia Organa ,
Rose Tico ,
Luke Skywalker , DJ (formerly),
Kazuda Xiono , CB-23, D-O
Unkar Plutt, Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, General Hux, Captain Phasma, First Order, DJ, BB-9E
Helping Poe, Rey, and Finn, helping the Resistance
The First Order, Poe, Rey or Finn in danger, BB-9E
Powers and abilities
Equipment: Internal Orbiculate Motor Holoprojecter Welding Torch Arc Welder Grasping Arms Liquid Cable Launcher Grappling Spike Launcher Six Swappable Tool Bay Discs
Electric Taser Liquid Cables Launchers Welding Torch
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Wars: The Last Jedi Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
TV Series
Star Wars Resistance Star Wars: Forces of Destiny
Video Games
Disney INFINITY seriesLEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Disney Emoji Blitz Star Wars Battlefront II Star Wars: Force Arena Disney Magic Kingdoms
Park Attractions
Star Tours: The Adventures Continue Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away
BB-8 is a droid character in the Star Wars franchise, first appearing in the 2015 film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (the first installment of the sequel trilogy). He is the droid companion of both Poe Dameron and, sometimes, Rey Skywalker. He is a spherical with a free-moving domed head.
BB-8 is portrayed by both a rod puppet and a remote-controlled robotic unit.
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