The Avengers are a group of characters featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
They are a group of superheroes founded by Nick Fury to protect Earth from evil threats outside of their homeworld. After saving the world from Loki Laufeyson's invasion of New York and eventually forming a reputation as Earth's Mightiest Heroes. However, the superhero team was dissolved after being broken up from the Avengers Civil War between Captain America and Iron Man due to the dispute of the Sokovia Accords because the team was divided between the two leaders. However, the team once again banded together to stop Thanos and his forces from achieving all Infinity Stones during the Infinity War, with several of their old and new allies.
After failing to revive those lost in the Snap, the Avengers remained active with several original members leaving and new members joining, including Okoye of Wakanda Captain Marvel of Earth, and Rocket Raccoon and Nebula of the Guardians of the Galaxy, with this incarnation led by Black Widow. It wasn't until Ant-Man was freed from the Quantum Realm, that the Avengers realized they could travel back in time using the Quantum Realm to collect all Infinity Stones to reverse Thanos' snap. The team was dissolved after the Battle of Earth, with the loss of Natasha and Tony. Captain Marvel left for Earth, Steve went back to the 1940s to be with Peggy Carter, Okoye returned to the Wakandan family, Clint and Scott returning to their families, and Rocket, Thor and Nebula rejoining the Guardians of the Galaxy.