Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Autobots are the main protagonistic faction of the Transformers reboot film series, appearing as one of the two protagonist factions of the 2023 film Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (alongside ). They are a faction of Cybertronians who are the heroes of Cybertron and protectors of Earth and the human race.



Centuries ago, the Autobots were formed on their home planet, Cybertron, and led by Optimus Prime, who was once known as the Clerk Orion Pax. For years, they fought up against their enemies, the Decepticons. However, its leader Megatron disappeared.

By 1987, they were lead by Soundwave in their master's absence.


In 1987, Cybertron fell and the Autobots were forced to retreat when Decepticons overwhelmed their forces. Optimus sent his protege and scout, Bumblebee to the planet Earth, a place he hoped would act as a safe haven for his people. When he was on the planet, Bumblebee befriended Charlie Watson, forming the first ever Autobot-human alliance. However, both Charlie and Bumblebee had to worry about the humans in Sector Seven and the Decepticon seekers, Shatter and Dropkick, who sought to hunt down Optimus Prime and the other remaining Autobots who went into hiding. They attempted calling all their fellow Decepticons to Earth; however, Bee and Charlie foiled their efforts, as the former killed the two Decepticons.

Shortly after departing from Charlie, Bumblebee reunited with Optimus, who congradulated his scout for his efforts to protect the planet. Instead of going by "B-127", Bee asked for Optimus to refer to him to his new name he adopted on Earth.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts[]

For the next seven years, they remained in hiding until 1994, when the Autobots teamed up with the Maximals, and two humans, Elena Wallace and Noah Diaz in their fight against the Terrorcons


Known allies[]

Known enemies[]


Optimus PrimeBumblebeeArcee, Ratchet, Ironhide, BrawnMirageWheeljack, Cliffjumper, Stratosphere

Shatter, Dropkick, StarscreamRavageSoundwave, BlitzwingShockwave, Thrust, Thundercracker, Skywarp

Charlotte "Charlie" Watson, Guillermo "Memo" Gutierrez, Otis Watson, Sally Watson, Ron, Tina Lark, Jack Burns, General Whalen, Dr. Powell, Seymour Simmons, Noah Diaz, Elena Wallace, Reek, Kris Diaz, Breanna Diaz

Optimus PrimalAirazorRhinoxCheetor

Scourge, Nightbird, Battletrap, Freezer

