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Aulë is one of the fourteen Valar assigned as the rulers of Arda and a fictional character in Tolkien's legendarium. He was an Ainu, one of the Aratar and a Vala, who was responsible for fashioning and crafting the substances of which Arda, the world, was composed. He was also called Mahal (Khuzdul; IPA: "Maker"), Oli (Sindarin; IPA: "Dream") or Návatar and delights in the nature of substances and in works of skill, but not concerned with possession or mastery. Besides the shaping of Arda, Aulë's greatest works were the Two Lamps of the Valar, the vessels of the Sun and Moon, and the Dwarves, whom he created out of impatience for the Children of Ilúvatar. He also created Angainor (the chain of Melkor).


Both Series
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The Lord of the Rings: AragornMerry BrandybuckPippin TookSam GamgeeGimliLegolasFaramirBoromirThéodenÉowynÉomerLord DenethorArwenGríma WormtongueHamaGamlingHaldirMouth of SauronKing of the DeadShadowfaxFatty BolgerTom BombadilGoldberryEstella Bolger
The Silmarillion: ManwëVardaMorgothEru IlúvatarManwëAulëTulkasYavannaVánaOromëLórienNiennaEstëVairëNessaUlmoMandos

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Mordor, Gondor, Erebor, Blue Mountains, The Shire (Bag End, Hobbiton, Green Dragon), Bree