“The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That's the dung my sister cares about.”
Athena Parthenos (simply known as Athena) is the Olympian goddess of wisdom, war and battle strategy from Greek Mythology who appears in the Thor comics published by Marvel. She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis and the half-sister of the hero Hercules, created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. She is the Goddess of wisdom, war, tactical warfare, and heroic endeavor.
She is a member of the Olympian gods and formerly ally of Aegis S.H.I.E.L.D, Cadmus, Hercules, Jason, Odysseus and Perseus, and a former member of the Olympus Group/Dodekatheon (Olympians' ruling body), Council of Godheads, and Atlas Foundation.
Athena first appeared in The Mighty Thor #164 (May 1969), and was adapted from Greek mythology by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby. Athena is an adaptation of the Greek god
Powers and abilities[]
Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, intelligence, agility, and reflexes
Divine empowerment
Magic manipulation
Combat proficiency
Ouranos (great-grandfather, deceased);
Gaea (great-grandmother)
Cronus (paternal grandfather);
Rhea (paternal grandmother);
Oceanus (maternal grandfather);
Tethys (maternal grandmother)
Zeus (father);
Metis (mother)
Dionysus, Hephaestus, Apollo (half-brothers, deceased);