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I am Atali. We are not here to harm you, but to ask how it is you find yourselves within our island's borders.

Atali is a supporting character in the fifth and sixth season in Dragons: Race to the Edge. She is the Chieftess of the Wingmaidens, a group of women who fly with the use of baby Razorwhips until they are able to see and fly on their own.

Atali forms a fast Alliance with the Dragon Riders, led by Hiccup Haddock.


Atali comes from a group of female warriors known as the Wingmaidens. They are duty-bound to protect the Baby Razorwhips from the male adults. She has forbidden men from entering their island, the exception being the male Dragon Riders. 

Dragons: Race to the Edge[]

Season Five[]

When Snotlout falls from Hookfang during a storm and falls into the sea during the events in "Snotlout's Angels", he is rescued by Atali and brought back to her island to recover. When he wakes up, finding himself surrounded by beautiful women, he thinks he's died and gone to Valhalla. Atali insists otherwise, and is greatly disturbed by his disrespectful attitude toward women. To force him to show respect, she and the other maidens suggest he's going to be main ingredient in their "Sacred Stew", and then tie him up.

Meanwhile, Astrid, Ruffnut, and Heather are flying toward Wingmaiden Island on Windshear, since Heather could sense something familiar that the inhabitants and her dragon share, and are met by Atali and two of her escorts. She compliments them on how beautiful Windshear is, and politely asks why they're in Wingmaiden territory. She invites them to rest up and eat before heading on their way. So the three Riders follow her.

Once on the island, Atali introduces a baby Razorwhip to them and shares with the girls the reason for their tribe's existence. However, they are interupted when a Wingmaiden warns Atali of Snotlout's escape. The girls returns to the other riders and Atali explains to Hiccup Snotlout's situation. They all go to rescue him and are successful.

Later that night, Atali makes a toast in honor of the dragon riders, announcing the end of the nesting season, which meant new responsibilities.

Season Six[]

In the two-part season finale, "King of Dragons," Atali and the Wingmaidens aid Hiccup, the Dragon Riders, and Dagur and his Berserker Tribe in defeating the Dragon Flyers and the Dragon Hunters led by Krogan and Johann.

List of appearances in Race to the Edge[]

Season 5 (1/13)[]

  • "Snotlout's Angels"

Season 6 (3/13)[]

  • "Chain of Command"
  • "Ruff Transition"

"King of Dragons, Part 2"

How to Train Your Dragon logo
Movies: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (live-action) • Astrid Hofferson (live-action) • Stoick the Vast (live-action) • ValkaGobber the Belch (live-action) • Fishlegs Ingerman (live-action) • Snotlout Jorgenson (live-action) • Ruffnut Thorston (live-action) • Tuffnut Thorston (live-action) • EretGothiSpiteloutDrago BludvistGrimmel the GrislyToothlessStormflyMeatlugBarf and BelchHookfangCloudjumperSkullcrusherGrumpRed DeathZephyr HaddockNuffink HaddockPhlegma the Fierce

Spin-off Characters: Dagur the DerangedMalaHeatherHeather's Adoptive ParentsAtaliGustav LarsonMindenNadiaMulch and BucketSilent SvenTrader JohannAlvin the TreacherousViggo GrimbornRyker GrimbornMildewCaptain Vorg
Minor Dragons: Toothless' RivalScauldyBing, Bam and BoomValka's BewilderbeastDrago's BewilderbeastTorchThornadoWingnutDart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner
Comics: Skuld the Sorceress
Video Games: Eir StormheartNikora StormheartHarald Forkbeart
Dragons: The Nine Realms: Tom KullersenJun WongD'Angelo BakerAlexandra GonzalezEugene WongThunderWu and WeiPlowhornFeathersWebmasterOlivia KullersenMay WongPhillip BakerAngela BakerCarla GonzalezHazel GonzalezWilma SledkinLindaWilliam Rakke Jr.BuzzsawFordWinstonFault RipperThe Sky TorcherOld JackJörmungandrHobs
2025 Remake: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless, Astrid Hofferson, Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston

Groups and Organizations
VikingsBerserker TribeDefenders of the WingDrago's ArmyDragon HuntersDragon RidersDragon TrappersDragon Riders' AuxiliaryDragonroot CompanyHairy Hooligan TribeNorthlander TribeOutcast TribeRefugee TribeThunderhead TribeWarlordsWingmaidensGrimbornsHaddocksHoffersonsIngermansJorgensonsLarsonsThorstons
Night FuryDeadly NadderGronckleMonstrous NightmareHideous ZipplebackTerrible TerrorTyphoomerangThunderdrumFirewormScauldronWhispering DeathSmothering SmokebreathChangewingScreaming DeathFireworm QueenFlightmareSkrillLead StingerSpeed StingersStormcutterBewilderbeastSeashockerShellfireSubmaripperMist TwisterDeadly SpinnerFeatherhideGembreakerSky TorcherJörmungandrLight FuryNight LightSpiderwingCatastrophic Quaken
Berk, The Hidden World, New Berk, ICARIS, Kullersen Fissure
Weapons: Inferno, Astrid Hofferson's Axe, Hiccup's Viking Helmet, Hiccup's Shield, The Mangler (Hiccup's Bola Catapult), Dragon Root Arrows, Toothless' Saddle and Tail Fin, Dragon Scale Armor, Deathgripper Venom

Plants: Dragon Root, Blue Oleanders, Purple Oleanders
Other: Yak Nog, Bork's Papers, The Book of Dragons (original, The Nine Realms), Hiccup's Prosthetic Leg, Astrid's Betrothal Necklace, Gobber's Peg Leg

Hiccup Haddock/Relationships