Asajj Ventress is a fictional character from the Star Wars franchise during the Clone Wars, appearing in the non-canon Clone Wars micro-series, where she was voiced by Grey DeLisle, and in The Clone Wars film and television series, where she was voiced by Nika Futterman.
Ventress is one of the most complex characters in the Star Wars universe. She had a rather tragic background, due to her clan, the Nightsisters being forced to sell her into slavery. After being rescued by the Jedi, Ky Narec, Asajj was kind-hearted and caring, becoming one of the best Jedi trained by the same Jedi who saved her. However, when her Master was killed, Ventress became overcome with grief and fell to the Dark side. Because of this, she became apprenticed to Dooku. Afterwards, Ventress became a cold, heartless killer who took pleasure in causing harm to her victims. She became quick to anger, letting her rage and resentment clouding her better judgement. Due to her hot-tempered persona, Luminara Unduli compared her to an amateur. Whenever she faced Obi-Wan in battle, they often exchanged witty and flirtatious banter, with Obi-Wan sarcastically referring to her as "my sweet" in both the Clone Wars'" movie and the season 1 episode "The Hidden Enemy"
After Dooku had betrayed Ventress and tried to have her killed, she wanted nothing more than to get her revenge on her former Master. She retreated to her people, the Nightsisters. However, she was forced to go on her own way when her entire clan was murdered. Ventress softened over her time as a bounty hunter, such as letting a captive return to her people. She later rescued Obi-Wan and was more concerned about the bounty on Savage Oppress and Maul over her grudge against the former Jedi. She was also empathetic towards her former enemy, Ahsoka Tano, seeing a bit of herself in the girl because they were abandoned by their former orders, Sith and Jedi. Even though Anakin angrily disagreed with her, once Asajj made the comparison between herself and Ahsoka clear, Anakin's face faltered, showing he may have saw some truth in Ventress' words. It was what compelled her to tell Anakin why she helped Ahsoka and how