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Molly Weasley: "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."
Arthur: "Did you really? How did it go?"
―Molly and Arthur reflecting on Arthur's personality

Arthur Weasley is a major character in the Harry Potter books and film series.

Mr. Weasley is the patriarch of the Weasley family, being the husband of Molly Weasley and the father of the Weasley children. 

At the end of the series, he becomes the father-in-law of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter and the grandfather of several grandchildren, which include James, Albus and Lily (Harry and Ginny's children) and Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley (Ron and Hermione's children.


Unlike most pure-blood wizards, Arthur was very open to Muggles and Muggle-born witches and wizards. A man of integrity, he vehemently opposed the discrimination faced by Muggles, Muggle-borns, half-bloods, half-breeds, and cursed beings like werewolves. He held a low opinion of those who embraced such intolerant ideologies, even though these views were widely accepted among many of his fellow pure-bloods. This stance garnered him the respect of his friends and family; however, individuals like Lucius Malfoy labeled him a "blood traitor" and deemed him a "disgrace to the name of wizard." Nevertheless, he never truly internalized these criticisms, as his understanding of what constituted a disgrace to the wizarding name was fundamentally different from theirs.

Arthur's supportive demeanor towards his children's mischievous behavior indicated that he was considerably more relaxed and "fun" in comparison to his wife. Nevertheless, with the resurgence of Lord Voldemort, Mr. Weasley took on a more significant role and responsibilities within the Order of the Phoenix. He consistently prioritized his children over his own needs, including Hermione and Harry even though they were not his children. Although he was genuinely easygoing, there were moments when Arthur could become overwhelmed. He became extremely agitated upon discovering that Fred and George were attempting to deceive Ron into forming an Unbreakable Vow. Ron still recalled it over a decade later and Fred swore at least one part of his anatomy was never the same since.

He has always had a fascination with the non-magical world and how they go on about their lives without magic. He also keeps a wall of muggles in his office and owns objects previously owned one. He was ecstatic meeting Hermione's parents, who were both Muggles and offered them a drink. He also questioned Harry about Muggle questions such as the function of a plug and a battery He also enjoyed putting Sirius' motorcycle back together and even liked using matches when he could.  Because of his fondness for Muggles, in 1992, he drafted a proposition for the Ministry called the Muggle Protection Act.  However, some such as Lucius was horrified to learn this and put Voldemort's diary inside Arthur's daughter Ginny Weasley's to discredit him and put the legislation to role. He was also determined to remain incognito during the camp outside of the Quidditch world cup. However, he couldn't work a match correctly, but fortunately Hermione was around to help him.

In addition to his Ford Anglia, his sons Fred and George apparently developed a love for technology and muggle artifacts. They too possessed the need to invent or modify things, including their own pranks or prank shop.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Charms
  • Nonverbal magic
  • Transfiguration
  • Duelling
  • Apparition


  • Mechanical skills
  • Muggle Knowledge
  • Legal skills

Harry Potter Novels[]

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets[]

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban[]

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire[]

Arthur successfully obtained tickets for the Quidditch World Cup, himself, and his family after assisting Mr. Ludo Bagman's brother in a minor predicament. They retrieved Harry from the Dursleys' residence via the Flo Network. Following a few days at the Burrow, they occupied the top box, where they encountered the Malfoys, who had received a personal invitation from Minister Fudge. Despite the mutual desire for confrontation between Arthur and Lucius, they refrained from engaging in conflict out of respect for Fudge.

After the match was over, the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry returned to the tent when, later that evening, Death Eaters invaded the campsite, casting jinxes on numerous individuals who obstructed their path. Arthur, along with his eldest sons—Percy, Charlie, and Bill—ventured out to confront the attackers, urging the younger children to seek safety in the woods. They planned to reunite later. A few hours afterward, Arthur and other Ministry officials observed the Dark Mark in the sky. They noticed three individuals standing in the center of the clearing and promptly prepared to immobilize them. However, Arthur intervened, preventing them from casting the stunning spell on Harry, Ron, and Hermione and asserted their innocence. After looking in the bushes in the other direction that their stunners went, they found Winky, the Crouch family house-elf. Despite evidence Harry used the wand to cast the dark mark to summon the Dark Mark, Arthur refused that one of his son's friends could do it, due to Harry's hatred towards Voldemort. He also doubted that Winky could have cast it because of her meek and shy personality. He was later outraged by Rita Skeeter's scathing article, accusing the Ministry of Magic officials for not preventing them

During the Tri-Wizard Tournament Arthur was unable to attend the Third Task with his wife and sons, Bill, and Charlie because of his work at the Ministry. However, Molly told Harry that Mr Weasley was wishing him well.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix[]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[]

LEGO books[]

In LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World and LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Arthur's LEGO form appears.

Harry Potter: The Character Vault[]

Harry Potter: The Character Vault is a book that gives information about the Harry Potter characters, and a profile on Arthur Weasley is present.

Harry Potter film series[]

Apart from The Philosopher's Stone, Arthur appears in all seven of the Harry Potter sequels that follow. Starting from The Chamber of Secrets to The Deathly Hallows Part 2 he is portrayed by Mark Williams.

The Philosopher's Stone[]

The Chamber of Secrets[]

The Prisoner of Azkaban[]

The Goblet of Fire[]

After the match reaches its conclusion, the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione return to their tent. Just as Arthur was lighting one of the candles, he suddenly heard noise coming out of the tent. When he came out, Arthur realized that the Death Eaters were arriving in the campsite, destroying everything in their path. Quickly rushing into his tent, he told the children what was going on., Arthur told Fred and George to look after Ginny (and presumably Hermione, Harry, and Ron as well). He presumably went to join the other Ministry officials.

A few hours afterward, Arthur and other Ministry officials observed the Dark Mark in the sky. They noticed three individuals standing in the center of the clearing and promptly prepared to immobilize them. However, Arthur intervened, preventing them from casting the stunning spell on Harry, Ron, and Hermione Immediately realizing Harry, Hermione and Ron were in the clearing, he stopped the officials from casting their stunning spell by shouting "Stop! That's my son!" He preceded to ask if they were unharmed. When Barty Crouch Sr. began to suspect that one of them had conjured the Dark Mark, but Arthur dismissed the notion, asserting that they were merely children. Harry was unaware that the Dark Mark was Voldemort's until Hermione explained what it was. Harry warns the officials that he saw a man standing there, casting the Dark Mark. Without Winky's appearance or the fact that his wand was used to cast the Dark Mark was left out of the film.

Despite not appearing in the third task in the book, Arthur appears at the final task in the film rather than his wife and sons, Bill, and Charlie (who was never introduced in the series)

The Order of the Phoenix[]

Like in the novel, Arthur is attacked by Nagini when doing his rounds of security on the prophecy. His stay at St. Mungo's and the Weasley's and Harry's visit to the hospital is cut. Instead, it is implied before the kids go on Christmas break, he stayed there for a while before going to 12 Grimmauld Place to spend Christmas with his family, Harry, Hermione and Sirius. Also, there is no mention of Arthur and Percy's nasty argument. However, Percy's estrangement from his family is implied. 

The Half-Blood Prince[]

The Deathly Hallows[]
