Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki
This article is about Ares from the comics. Do NOT put information from the movies on here. See his page here for that.

Ares (also sometimes Mars) is a fictional character appearing in DC Comics publications and related media. He is one of the three main antagonists of the Wonder Woman franchise. The son of Zeus and the Greek god of warfare, Ares is Diana's half-brother and one of her arch-enemies.

Ares is based on the Greek mythological figure of the same name.



Powers and abilities[]

Other Media[]

DC Extended Universe[]


  • Diana is Aries's half sister through their father Zeus but she is also his granddaughter through his daughter Hippolyta.


  1. In "New Earth," Cassie was Zeus's daughter, making Aries and Cassie half siblings. However in prime Earth, Cassie's father is Aries's brother Lennox, making them Uncle Aunt's niece instead


Comics: Diana/Wonder Woman • Wonder Girl ( Cassie SandsdmarkDonna TroyYara Flor) • Jason of AmazonAntiopeHippolyta, NubiaSteve TrevorJustice League (ZatannaKara Danvers/SupergirlBatmanSupermanAquaman) • CheetahTeen Titans (RavenStarfireNightwingBeast BoyCyborg) • AmazonsOrion

Villains: Anti-MonitorDeathstrokeCheetahAnarkyAnti-MonitorAresBlack MantaCheetahCheshireCirceClayfaceDark KnightsDarkseidDoctor PoisonDoctor PolarisDoomsdayGigantaJinxJokerKiller FrostLeague of AssassinsMaxwell LordNeronPrometheusRa's al GhulScarecrowSteppenwolf

DC Extended Universe: Wonder WomanSteve TrevorHippolytaAquamanBatmanFlashAres (DC Extended UniverseMaxwell LordCheetahLex LuthorDeathstrokeDarkseid

Titans: Donna TroyWonder Woman • Starfire • Nightwing
