Heroes and Villains Wiki

Antiope is a fictional character from Wonder Woman comics published by DC Comics. She was one of the many sisters of Hippolyta and the aunt of Diana Prince (AKA Wonder Woman).

Antiope is a traditional character and was first adapted for the DC Universe by Dan Mishkin and Don Heck, and first appeared in Wonder Woman #312. (1984)

Comics: Diana/Wonder Woman • Wonder Girl ( Cassie SandsdmarkDonna TroyYara Flor) • Jason of AmazonAntiopeHippolyta, NubiaSteve TrevorJustice League (ZatannaKara Danvers/SupergirlBatmanSupermanAquaman) • CheetahTeen Titans (RavenStarfireNightwingBeast BoyCyborg) • AmazonsOrion

Villains: Anti-MonitorDeathstrokeCheetahAnarkyAnti-MonitorAresBlack MantaCheetahCheshireCirceClayfaceDark KnightsDarkseidDoctor PoisonDoctor PolarisDoomsdayGigantaJinxJokerKiller FrostLeague of AssassinsMaxwell LordNeronPrometheusRa's al GhulScarecrowSteppenwolf

DC Extended Universe: Wonder WomanSteve TrevorHippolytaAquamanBatmanFlashAres (DC Extended UniverseMaxwell LordCheetahLex LuthorDeathstrokeDarkseid

Titans: Donna TroyWonder Woman • Starfire • Nightwing
