Scott Lang (also known as Ant-Man) is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is the titular main protagonist of the 2015 , Ant-Man, a main character in Captain America: Civil War, the main protagonist of the Ant-Man and the Wasp trilogy,and one of the titular protagonists of Avengers: Endgame
Occasionally, Scott comitted a crime when he said he would stop for their daughter's sake, only he began stealing for his daughter's best interests. At first when he left prison and decided not to join Luis, Kurt, nor Dave in a life of crime, he wanted to change for his daughter. However, after not being able to see her, Scott joined to provide for her.
He was very star-struck when he met Captain America and Scarlet Witch, as they were renouned superheroes from what he heard. Scott was very loyal and respectful towards them, even calling him "Cap" like the rest of Steve's friends. Especially during their first meeting, Lang said it was a great honor to meeting him. Ant-Man respected them enough to even making a distraction that allowed Bucky and Steve to escape. However, he was mistrustful of Tony Stark, even stating that his mentor Hank was right that he should never trust a Stark. However, his opinion changed of Stark, especially coming to him with Captain America to convince Tony in helping him.
Physical Appearance
Scott is a handsome man with brown hair and blue eyes. As Ant-Man, he wears a helmet shaped like an ant and where his eyes of the helmet are red.
Powers and Abilities
Ant-Man Suit abilities
Size Manipulation: Scott can manipulate his size with the Ant-Man suit. He can either shrink or enlarge. Ant-Man and the Wasp reveals if Scott enlarges too much, it can put stress on his body, causing him to faint.
Hope Van Dyne
Hope and Scott first did not get along well, but she trained
him into combat and both began developing romantic feelings for each other and entered a relationship. However, when the Avengers Civil War began, they broke
things off and didn't talk to each other for another two years.
They team up in Ant-Man and the Wasp to stop a supervillain, Ghost, where during the mission, Hope and Scott began falling in love with each other all over again. When she was killed by Thanos, Scott thought they were playing a joke on him but got worried when they didn't answer back after a while.
Cassie Lang
Scott loves his daughter very much, and he affectionately calls her "Peanut." Cassie looks up to her father and wishes to be a hero just like him, expressing that dream to her father's girlfriend, Hope.