Heroes and Villains Wiki

You drool in your sleep.
―Annabeth to Percy Jackson when they first met

Annabeth Chase is the main love interest of Percy Jackson and a major protagonist of the Camp Half-Blood series. She is the deuteragonist of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, of the seven main protagonists of the sequel series, The Heroes of Olympus, a supporting protagonist in Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard and The Trials of Apollo book series. Over the course of her relationship with Percy, Annabeth plays the role as his best friends and mentor, and eventually his girlfriend.

In the film adaptations of The Lightning Thief and Sea of Monsters, the character is portrayed by Alexandra Daddario.



Percy Jackson & the Olympians[]

The Heroes of Olympus[]

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard[]

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Trilogy[]

Cup Bearer of the Gods[]

Percy Jackson films[]

Main article: Annabeth Chase (2010)

She and Percy get off on the wrong foot during a game of capture the flag. Though she wins the fight at first, Percy uses the water to heal himself and fights Annabeth back and bested her in a swordfight. Later during the campfire, Annabeth reveals it's nothing personal because her mother and his father have a rivalry with each other. After Hades revealed that he had the Minotaur abduct his mother. Annabeth joins Percy and Grover on their quest and received things from Luke to a pair of flying shoes, and a shield and bag.

Annabeth yells at Percy to stop beheading the Hydra but he finishes it off. Exasperated, she yells to him that once you play a hydras head a grows into two more, but its too late because the Hydra regenerates. Instead, they turn it to stone with Medusa's head.




Disney+ Series[]

Main article: Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson TV Series)
Main Characters
Percy JacksonGrover UnderwoodAnnabeth ChaseTysonClarisse La RueThalia GraceNico di AngeloChironLuke CastellanRachel Elizabeth Dare

Minor Characters: Travis StollConnor StollMrs. O'LearySilena BeauregardCharles BeckendorfSally JacksonPaul BlofisBlackjackZoë NightshadeBianca di AngeloJuniperMichael YewEthan NakamuraKatie GardnerMiranda GardinerDaedalus
Olympian Gods: Zeus HeraPoseidonDemeterAresAthenaApolloArtemisHephaestusAphroditeHermesDionysusHadesHestia
Minor Gods: AmphitriteAriadneHecateIrisJanusMorpheusNemesisPanPersephoneTriton

Olympians • DemigodsCamp Half-Blood membersTitan Army - Olympian Army
Camp Half-Blood
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clariss La Rue (Percy Jackson Films), Kronos, Hades
TV Series
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood

Secondary Characters: Sally JacksonChironLuke CastellanClarisse La RueChris Rodriguez
Minor Characters: Nancy BobofitGabe UglianoEddieOracle of DelphiThalia Grace • Ferdinand Underwood • Nereid • Fates • Augustus • Nico di AngeloBianca di Angelo • Charon
Greek Gods: ZeusPoseidonHadesDionysusHermesAresAthenaHephaestus
Titans: Kronos
Monsters: AlectoMinotaurMedusaEchidnaChimeraProcrustesCerberus

          Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Magnus ChaseAlex Fierro • Blitzen • Halfborn Gunderson • Hearthstone • Loki • Mallory Keen • Samirah al-Abbas • Sumarbrander • Thomas Jefferson Jr. • Annabeth Chase • Natalie Chase • Percy Jackson
